Ruger Security Six Questions


I Have an opportunity to purchase a Ruger Security Six from a friend. It is Stainless Steel, 4 inch barrel and is in very good condition. The serial number is 157-77xxx.

1. - How old is the gun ?

2. - What would be a fair price to pay for the gun ?

Any information and/or opinions would be appreciated.

It's a late 80's (or early 90's -- who cares? late enough -- need above 151 XXX) and a fair price is $275 or less.

Buy the gun regardless; they are superb.

Oh, and dry-fire ten thousand times. Suggest Snap-Caps.

Sob.......biggest sold-my-gun regrets are of Security Sixes......sob...
To the best of my knowledge, this gun was probably
manufactured between 1978-1990. The stainless
Security-Six is a very solid performer, with a wide
range of bullet's. Add a set of Pachmayr grip's and
you have an unbeatable combination. Price's may
vary greatly; depending on locale. Here in "The
Deep South" this weapon in LNIB condition would
most likely bring $300.00 easily.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
Thanks for the quick response, guys.

I really like this revolver, but it is bigger than what I am used to shooting on a regular basis. I own 2 handguns that I use for CCW - I have a small frame Charter Arms .38 snubby and a Kel Tec P11 and either will accomplish what I feel that I need to carry under normal conditons.

The weight of the gun doesn't bother me, but the grip is big for me. I am 5'8'' & 200 lbs, but I have hands the size of a 10 year old kid. Would the Pachmayr grips help my situation ?

I believe I will go ahead and buy the gun based on what I've already heard from you guys.

By the way he said he would let me have it for $175.00 cash, so if I don't buy it now, I'll be one of those who will be crying about "the one I let get away" on a future post.

Again, Thanks and I would love to hear any other comments or suggestions anyone else might have.
I have a blued one and it is very nice. I paid $165 in 99% and feel it was a very good buy. great shooter.:D

Pachmayr rubber grip's have what is known in the
"Gunworld" as an enclosed backstrap. Persons with
very small hands might find that the "trigger reach"
is a little long for them? If that seems to be a problem,
then try Hogue's Monogrip's; as they have an open

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.

Don't let the 'grip' thing stop you from acquiring this gun. With the multiple millions of grips available I'm sure you can find the perfect fit.

$175? This may be the best gun deal of your life; take advantage of it..........
FWIW, if anything, I bought a blue Police Service Six(fixed sight model) in 1985 or 1986 and it has a 160 prefix.

I also have small hands, and found most grips too big for me when I installed them on my Security Six. I found a set of SILE grips that fit me to a "T". I don't know if they are still available, but I'd recommend them to anyone with small hands.


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