Ruger Security 9mm


New member
I looked at one of these at a new local store (Atwoods) and I thought it looked like a decent gun for the $300 they were asking for it. Anyone have one and any experience with it? I tried to do a search but type in Ruger and Security and you get a bunch of threads that you are not looking for.
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Just bought, no malfs, great grip feel, nice trigger,grouped well at 10 yards though slightly left which might be a technique issue. Sorry only one range session so far....
Thanks gc70 it didn't occur to me to google reviews I just did a search here on the forum. Dummy me, I google stuff all the time.

Anyway from what I read the Ruger sounds like a good buy. I like Ruger guns. No problems with any I have ever owned. I have three 9mm's now. An old 39-2, a S&W model 915 and an SD9VE that I love. Heck I like all of them. The Ruger sounds like it would fit right in. I am giving the 915 to my youngest son in a few weeks.

I would like a Glock 19 but the prices are more than I want to spend for one of them. The world is now full of Glock knock offs and most are as good as the Glocks they just don't have the after market support of the Glocks. Besides I like revolvers better than autos. But I have all the wheel guns I need.:eek:
For the life of me, I cannot understand why any one would buy a Ruger Security9 over a SR9 even if they have discontinued the model. The SR9 has a much superior build quality. A proven track record etc. Just a solid gun, the way Ruger and God intended them to be.

I have always thought the Ruger Security9 was named for the fact that it is a bedside gun for those that buy them. Not meant for a lot of shooting down range. Security9 as in 9 hours of sleep security.
I believe Ruger as gone into a different direction than the past. They have found that the vast majority of shooters are not really shooting enthusiast and really do not shoot on a regular basis. Therefore, sell a cheaper made gun.
It is a budget gun, so maybe that is good, but for about the same cost you can pickup and SR9.

Easy to see which gun has a better build quality'


I have an sr9 which i like very much. However they are not without their faults. I had a broken firing pin on the striker, back to ruger, replaced. Then i had several misfires, back to ruger. Whole slide assembly replaced. Again more misfires, back to ruger. They replaced the whole gun. Since then it has been 100%. However i probably only have about 300 rounds through it. Ok, there are always a few lemons... a friend has an sr9c, same problem. Check online, its not uncommon. Ruger has great customer service.
I actually like the trigger on the security 9 better. It has a smooth action, great feel. Maybe it wont last 10000 rounds, maybe it will. But if it doesnt i bet ruger replaces it for free no questions asked.
Its named after the security 6 which was a popular revolver.
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I would say any gun ever made most likely has had a problem you described. And while you had a problem should not be the over all picture of any gun. Way too many owners over the years have posted great success with them, myself included. And if you do a search, the Security9 has also had many issues. However I am not judging them by those post.
But reagardless, if any gun has had a problem is not really about the point I was making. Glad you like the trigger of the Security9 and that I might understand. The Light Striker fired trigger of my SR9C is one thing I do not care for. Too light for me for EDC but at least I do have a safety with that gun.
Carl the Floor Walker said:
But reagardless, if any gun has had a problem is not really about the point I was making.

Were you making a point other than judging two gun models based on your impression of the appearance of quality?
I have both the SR9 and the Security 9.

I am an avid supporter of the SR9, probably too much so. It is hands down one of my favorite striker fired pistols. It points well, shoots well, feels good in hand, etc. etc. I dont care about the additional safety features that are a bit 'annoying'

That said, the security 9 is a fine gun. I've put thousands of rounds through it. I had a minor extractor issues after about 2k rounds every 3rd magazine or so was having an FTE, so I sent it back, put another 1k through it no issues so far. Ruger being Ruger not only replaced the extractor, but the barrel, guide rod, slide as well.

I agree with Carl as I have in the past the the SR9 is a better built weapon. But I also think the Security 9 has its place and I wouldn't hesitate to buy another.
mine has fed all ammo put into it with no failures, good little firearm i keep it by my chair at night ,bedside and the car.shoots good
As a newer handgun owner and chose the Ruger Security 9 as a learning platform here are my rookie thoughts:

Ergonomics- For small and mid sized hands it feels solid with a very natural point of aim when you raise it to target. Grip is not to wide and with a mag loaded is "just right" in terms of fitting the entire grip width of hand without it hanging off. The rounded trigger guard is not my favorite but makes the gun look sleek. Mag release is a bit small and firm but that will probably get better with a bit of use. Safety is very small and is not something you can manipulate as your holstering or setting the gun down....its going to take some effort. Taking it off safe is not as bad. Take down is ok and easily done without a small screwdriver...a empty brass casing works or your keys. Strong fingernails also work. Trigger is serviceable if not a smidge mushy but the let up for follow up is very solid actually and if you practice you will realize double taps are very easy and doable with this weapon. It feeds everything I tried so far: Seller & bellot, Federal, Fiochhi, Sig ( its favorite so far) and no issues with the slightly longer Winchester stuff. Winchester shot real well out of it as well ( the brass casing stuff) and since I am a ammo snob I refuse to use/run steel casings. These were all the 115 FMJ offerings btw. Sights were good and the picture formed was easy to focus on. I cannot honestly confirm or deny if the gun shot slightly left like others claim cause I am still new to handgun shooting. I can say that I line up the sights and control my trigger pull and shots went roughly where I wanted them to go. I am teaching myself how to test a pistol for accuracy and when I find a method that I believe is repeatable I will comment on exactly how accurate it is. I shot my first session at 7 yds since the 15 yd bays were all taken. The slide is easy to work even for my arthritis infested hands. Recoil was smooth and did not snap at me too much. Not sure what else I can say yet. Tomorrow I will be shooting up to 50ft so we will see how it works for me.
I think Ruger designed the safety so that you have to turn the gun in your hand so your thumb has the leverage to put it on. Just like the SR9 safety.

You can’t turn it on accidentally while firing the gun, as you can with a 1911 or like my M & P. But you can sweep it off fairly easily. A clever design I think.