Ruger Security 9 Compact

Funny, the Regular Security 9 is getting very solid reviews and is generally considered a very solid pistol for carry/truck/HD. The Compact model has what seems to be the same design just smaller and folks are reporting issues with brass shavings getting stuck in firing pin hole, extraction issues. I think these are the outliers and not the norm and looking forward to getting one of these in my hands to see how it feels compared to other compacts before I decide which I go with ( Canik Sub Elite comes out in a month or so...eager for that the most )
folks are reporting issues with brass shavings getting stuck in firing pin hole, extraction issues.

That doesn't sound too good!

I had some extraction issues with my full size security 9 that Ruger took care of for me, so this doesn't really surprise me.

I like the platform, but its definitely not the most rugged one out there. Lightweight and reliable ever since I sent it back to Ruger.
My security 9 is running flawless for me. I think if I were to point the critical finger at the platform its that the barrel is small/seems like a sporter barrel for a rifle. Otherwise the covered hammer system is well thought out and it has about 550 rounds down her and she is running strong. I shoot it well and with Winchester 115g White box ( brass stuff) its POA/POI out to 30 ft. 124 Federals are same at 25ft. I think like any mass produced item your going to have some faulty ones come off the line. What exactly was the extraction issue?
The only Security 9 I have personal experience with is my brother's. The trigger went dead on the second mag but Ruger took care of it quickly. It does have failures to extract more often than I am comfortable with though.
Mine had a few thousand rounds through it before it gave me any issues.

About 500-600 through it now (haven’t been great on tracking) and it’s all aces. I keep running her hard but no slip-ups so far.