Ruger Red Label problem


New member
I have a Red Label All Weather that the safty re-engages after the first shot when shooting 3" shells. I have no problem when shooting 2 3/4". Someone told me the gun is trying to open and that I should send it back to Ruger. I am also on a Duck Hunting forum and another member is having the same problem with his. What do you think is going on and is it safe for me to shoot it until the end of duck season and then send it back?

If you find out what is causing the problem, please post it. My dad's 20ga Red Label did that a few times last summer.
I'd say it's safe enough to finish out the season but once that last bird flies off into the sunset put that gun on the first truck back to Ruger. It seems an inordinate number of Ruger shotguns have to go back for some fine tuning.
This may sound stupid, but are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that your hand is not sliding up under recoil and engaging the safety? I had this happening to me on a Sauer drillings and it drove me nuts until I figured out what was going on. Doh!

Hope this helps.