Ruger precision rifle , can't remove magazine

Metal god

New member
Like it says , I can't remove the mag from my Ruger PR . Only second time out and worked fine last time . How ever It came with two mags and I likely only used one last time because I mostly single feed . So maybe I used the second mag today and there's a issue with it .

The mag release moves but does not feel like much to me . The rifle is to new to me to remember how it felt when working properly . I had only removed the mag a few times and don't remember anything odd last time out .

The mag is one of the mags that came with the rifle NIB .

Any ideas ? I figure it's either the mag or something was up in the mag well before I inserted the mag .

I took the floor plate off and removed the spring and follower . That did not help and could not see how the mag release works .
Well I just want to say thanks for all the help guys . I could not have figured this out with out your help :D

I ended up using a .010" feeler gage to slide up in between the mag an mag well at the mag catch area . I was then able to finagle it between the catch and the mag allowing me to pull the mag out .

After it was out , when depressing the mag release I could see the catch was not moving enough to allow the mag to drop . I pushed the release a few more times and all of a sudden the catch started moving fully out of the way as designed . So I fiddle with it a few times then inserted a mag and released it . I repeated that several times to the point I was confident it was working properly .

When I went to set the lower assembly down on the bench I noticed a small piece of metal or something . I know it was not there before I started because I cleaned the area before hand .

Here is what I believe fell out . It measures .030 x .060


At first it just looked like a chip or shaving of metal . Upon a closer look it was brass/yellow in color with a touch of red in it . :confused: hmm What could that be and where could it have come from I thought to my self . I then remembered I was shooting A-max bullets . Maybe the red is part of the polymer tip and the rest was of the jacket that may have chipped off .

After cutting a small chuck off the tip of an A-max bullet to compare .

Bullet chunk on left , what I believe fell out of the gun after removing the stuck mag on the right . To me they look to be different colors and materials .


Either way I think that little piece of scrap metal got lodged in the mag release somewhere jamming it up inside .
Well I just want to say thanks for all the help guys . I could not have figured this out with out your help

Hee, Hee.

Well there you go. That's the problem with being semi-well known and having a high post count. People are reluctant to suggesting anything because they figured you'd already tried everything.

Now if you would have logged in as a new member with a different name and a post count under 100 you would have got tons of suggestions ranging from vice-grips and hammers to Dremel tools and cutting torches with the inevitable "Are you sure you're pushing the release in the RIGHT direction???"

Anyway, alls well that ends well. Good luck.
Haha yep that sounds about right ,


Now if you would have logged in as a new member with a different name and a post count under 100 you would have got tons of suggestions ranging from vice-grips and hammers to Dremel tools and cutting torches with the inevitable "Are you sure you're pushing the release in the RIGHT direction???"

In that case I'm glad no one helped ;) . I'm a member over at Calguns and had many O thread over there just like that . It took many years to get past those types of post .:(