Ruger P series semi-autos

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New member
Does anyone have any experience with Ruger's P series semiautos? I've haeard some good reviews of the P97 and P95 and I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on these guns. Are they as accurate as more expensive semi-auto handguns? They seem like a great deal becuase of their low prices.

Although my first handgun will probably be a revolver, would a DA semi-auto like these be a good initial choice?

Christopher Nemeth
I've never owned one, but a couple of friends both own P90s. I've fired them, and they seem solid.

Of course, the P series aren't known for their sleek lines, but in a pinch, you could always use one as a blunt object. :)

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I had a Ruger P89, I was big, bulky,didn't fit my hand worth s@#*%. But it was also very reliable, accurate, and tuff. But the trigger does SUCK, but for the price you can't go wrong

cnemeth, I used a borrowed Ruger 9mm to qualify for my CHL. I had never fired that gun before or any other Ruger like it. The first round I fired in it was at the qualification target. It was DAO and I did well on the qualification.

I was very skeptical about the gun when I first looked at it. It appeared big, but it fit my hand well and I really liked it.

I have since shot another nine identical to that one and the results were the same.

I like these guns, especially for the price (if you just gotta have an auto, that is).

This is all very subjective, but when it comes to guns, most things are.
Had a P90 once, it was accurate and reliable. Not the prettiest thing in the world. For the price, Ruger autos are hard to beat.
The first handgun I bought a couple of years ago was a Ruger P95DC. I loved that pistol. It could shoot, and shoot very comfortably, all day long. I had no problems with the trigger. It may not be a fancy 1911 competition trigger but it gets the job done especially in SA follow up shots. Predictably, after a few months I thought I needed the latest flavor and traded for something more expensive. Since then I have owned 7 or 8 pistols and now have a Sig P-245 that I love. But you know what? Yesterday I was in a gun store and I looked at a new P95DC in the display case and wondered why I ever traded mine. For $269 with 2 magazines you can't hardly go wrong.

Dave Ebdon

Am I the only one that's had a bad experience with a Ruger auto?

I had one of the first P-85's that came out. Functionally, it worked, but it wasn't accurate for $hit, the trigger pull was awful (jerky and rough), it had this "grating" feel to it whenever the action was worked, recoiled worse than any .45 I've ever shot (it was a 9mm), and it just felt poorly put together. Now, I understand they fixed the problems with the P-89, but after that, expecially with all the hype it got from the gun press, I've got no interest in finding out. I'll stick with the H&K I traded it for!

PS - I do own 2 other Rugers that are fine firearms - I just wouldn't ever trust another one of their large-frame auto pistols!
Dave, I think I read that the original pistols, early on, had some QC problems. Haven't heard it since. Since you got one of the "first" ones, maybe that explains it.
I, tell you what the p-95, p-97 are both guns I own. would not sell them for twice the price. Had a model glock 19, and the glock model 30 which is their 45 cal. I still own the model 30 but the ruger p-97 is just as accurate!Sold the model 19 because it was not as accurate as the p-95, and reliability is excellent.
Some of the early P85s did have problems, which is why the P89 was created. While my favorite handguns are Glocks, I have a number of Ruger rifles, revolvers, semi auto 22LR pistols and a KP90DC in .45ACP which I like a lot. It has been reliable and accurate and is all one could ask in a large pistol. All my Rugers have been great and the factory stands behind the product. I think it is unpredictable whether one would like a revolver or semiauto best- it is an individual taste that defies logic. My brother-in-law cop won't give up his revolver whereas I feel the same about my semiautos. I think you have to shoot both a lot to decide which is best for you. The good news is you have fun finding out which you like best. Good luck. :D

I have posted elsewhere on this forum concerning my P89. Basically, the handgun is extremely reliable except for one particular brand of ammunition I ran through it("American" brand ammo from a mailorder catalog. The brands, weights and bullets types I have fed the beast are almost too numerous to post. I have found accuracy to be fair at best. My wife, who dislikes DA semiautos, is however an absolute deadeye with it, two handed, strong hand, weak hand, whatever. In spite of this and the fact that it does have sort of a "cap gun" appearance, I have no plans to sell or trade it away.
My first handgun was a series 70 Colt 1911 in .45 ACP. If I had it to do over again I would have had my second handgun, a Colt Trooper Mk III .357 as my first. I believe a medium frame .357 revolver to be the best handgun for a beginner.
I keep reading about how BIG and BULKY the Ruger P-series pistols are.

(I had one [a P-95DC] but traded it in on a Sig P-239. I no longer have the P-239, but wish I had the P-95, back.)

The most recent Gun Tests magazine reviews several 9mm autos, including the P-95, the Glock 17, the H&K USP9, the new 9mm SigPro, and the CZ-100. They gave the high marks to the P-95. I started comparing the measurements of the guns, and the P-95 is smaller than most of the guns tested. It just doesn't SEEM that way. (The Glock was lighter but much longer; the CZ-100 was smaller and lighter overall.)

I now have a Glock 17 which I really like, and am shooting it in IDPA. It outshoots my old P-95, but I think I have a particularly good one. [It is a "refurbished" ex-police gun.] One guy participating with me in our local IDPA group has a P-95 and shoots very well with it.
I own HK, Glock, S&W, Para-Ordnance in several configuations and calibres. But, my home, and office defense guns (P85, 3 p89s and a P95) are Ruger p-series tools. They are not my "best" guns, they just fit my XL hands very well, point well and they are the only auto I have NEVER had a stopage in. In self defense reliability is everything. I must admit that I do like the bulk. If a BG sees me with a gun, I want him to see a very big and bulky gun, because I pray I never have to use it. The guns I like to play with are typically not my P-series Rugers, they are just the guns I bet my families safety on.
I can only speak for the P-97 but I love it. It`s not bulky at all (like the P-90s are) and has nice smooth lines and few sharp edges. This makes it a very nice carry gun. Accuracy is unbelievable for a gun in it`s price range and it seems to shoot most any load equally well. Recoil is mild and and controlability quite good with 230gr.ball or equivalent. Functioning has been 100%. You can`t go wrong with this one. I`ve actually been thinking about getting a P-95 to go with it. BTW I`ve had really bad luck with American Ammo Co. products too. The last 2 boxes of were loaded hotter than Triton +Ps and accuracy wise I might just as well have closed my eyes while shooting em! Marcus
I too owned an early P85. Had the safety break on me. Between this and some other problems it went back to the factory a total of three times. The last time I got it back, it had a P89 slide on it. So now I've got a factory two-tone crunchenticker. In all the years I've owned it, I've only had a few FTFs and I'm not very accurate with it. But it's still my nightstand weapon. Been looking at their .45s while trying to decide which .45 to get next.
I own and love a P97DC. This gone is my favorite carry because it is damn reliable. I have put over 2000 rounds of every kind of 45 ACP round I could find and never one glitch. The new cam lock design reduces felt recoil to the point where the 97 has little more kick then the 95(9mm). There is a really good review in a magazine this month. I can't remember the mags name but someone here may know. It is featured on the front cover. According to their test (and my own) this gun is very accurate. If I recall the widest spread at 25yd was 2.75". The best was with Rem 185+P Golden Saber JHP. If I recall, 2.25". The greatest part is that after 5000 rounds it still shot the same. Disassembly is a breeze as well. Field stripping for cleaning can be done with your eye's closed. Slap a hogue grip on this baby and she is hot.
Did I mention that I love mine.... :)

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John 3:16
Yup. I did it. I just got home with my brand new P95DC in stainless! I can't wait to get to the range to renew my acquaintance. It feels great in my hand.

Dave Ebdon
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