Ruger P-97

Tim Croley

New member
I have a Ruger P-95, but am wanting something in .45.

Is the P-97 as good and as reliable as the P-95?

How much difference is there in the size of the two?

I am really happy with the P-95. Will I be just as happy with the P-97?

Will the P-97 hold up as well as the P-95?

Which would you rather have and why?

I will have to trade the P-95, so that is why I'm asking these questions.

I would appreciate any input. Thanks!

when getting my p97 i checked ou the p95 as well
both have about the same feel to me, both feel great
can't see as how the 95 would be any less reliable than my 97 i really like the 97, even though i STILL need to get the sights adjusted, the best feeling pistol i own
and i have really large hands
I have a Ruger P-95, but am wanting something in .45.

Is the P-97 as good and as reliable as the P-95?

The P97 is just as reliable as the P95. The P97 though is a little more accurate with a better magazine release button.

How much difference is there in the size of the two?

Not much! Visit the Ruger website for details on size/specs.

I am really happy with the P-95. Will I be just as happy with the P-97?

Have you shot a .45 before? There is a little more recoil than 9mm. .45 cartridges also cost more than 9mm. If you can handle the recoil and extra costs, I think you will be happier with the P97.

Will the P-97 hold up as well as the P-95?

There is no way to know for sure without testing both rigorously. However, having owned both and examined both, I predict the P97 is as durable.

Which would you rather have and why?

P97: better accuracy, slightly improved features, bigger caliber.

I will have to trade the P-95, so that is why I'm asking these questions.

My advice: Keep the P95 and save up for the P97. Even if it takes a long time, it would be worth it to keep both. The 9mm is cheaper to shoot in the long run and switching to .45 probably will mean less range time.
I really can't afford both guns. That's why I want to know if the P-97 is as good as the P-95.

I have never had any other gun that shot as good as this one.

I have owned a 45 before and do not think that the recoil will be a problem.

they both felt a lot alike in the grip
do like the mag release of the p97 much more than the little toggle ambi thingys on the p95, the slide seems a little smaller in bulk, but it appears to be basically the same pistol, just diff cartridge
the p95 is on my to get list
as opposed to on my wish list, two entirely diff things
its one there cause the p97 is good
the only thing i have to complain about the p97 is the slight slight hammer graze it gives me, but its not bad
I really can't afford both guns. That's why I want to know if the P-97 is as good as the P-95.

If that is the case, I suggest keeping the P95. If you are having financial troubles, the last thing you need is to switch to a more expensive caliber to shoot. Keep the P95 and use the money you save for more 9mm ammo and more trips to the range! ;)
hey mr webmaster, what were the problems you have seen or heard about the cz 97b? i saw your post over at the cz forum but it always comes up blank, since this is the next pitsol on the to get list, i wanted to hear any bad news? any? cause all i've heard so far has been good, and the one that i held felt really good to me
hey mr webmaster, what were the problems you have seen or heard about the cz 97b? i saw your post over at the cz forum but it always comes up blank, since this is the next pitsol on the to get list, i wanted to hear any bad news? any? cause all i've heard so far has been good, and the one that i held felt really good to me


Another TFL poster reported that the CZ 97B had some kind of problems. Since TFL had the software problems and lost a couple days of posts, that thread is missing his post though. Since I own a CZ 97B, I wanted more information as to what problems to look for on my CZ 97B. That is what I posted at the CZ forum. I want more information on any possible CZ 97B problems. I personally have had none in my CZ 97B and I love the gun. The reason the thread is blank at the CZ forum is they are also having software problems over there. Once they get it fixed, you should be able to see my post.

Again, I am in the same boat you are. I don't know WHAT if any kinds of problems the CZ 97B has had. I am looking for anyone who does know the answer to respond.

BTW: possible problems aside, my CZ 97B is my most accurate and fun to shoot pistol. It even makes my Sigs look inaccurate. If this "possible problems" turns out to be an internet rumor, I would highly recommend that you pick up a CZ 97B.
Mr. Webmaster,

I appreciate your advice about keeping the P-95 bacause of the cost of ammo, but I can afford to shoot the 45.

When I said that I can't afford both, I meant that I can't just go out and buy the P-97 without using the P-95 as a trade-in.

I have a son who is heading off to college in the fall as well as many other things that come before buying a gun.

I have a policy to not buy a gun without selling or trading another one. That way, I'm not taking money away from something more important.

Also, I don't shoot as much as most people.

I have read that the Ruger polymer frame series was designed with the 10mm in mind, back when everyone was saying it would be the next wonder bullet. In 9mm or .45, it's so over-engineered you'll probably never wear it out with factory ammo.

I own a 95 and have handled a 97 at the gun show, there's not much difference in size or feel.

I guess the choice comes down to, do you want a 9mm or a .45? The 9mm is cheaper to shoot, and you can still get hi-caps for it (15 rounders). The .45 packs more whack per bang (but only 8+1 bangs), and is suposedly more accurate.

I don't think you can go wrong with either.

Since you can afford .45 ACP ammo, go ahead and make the trade in. The P97 is an improvement over the P95 and it is worth going up in caliber as well. I think if you like your P95 you will love the P97! ;)

Good luck.
even a snob wants one

i usually carry my sig 220/226 on duty and my hk p7 when off duty...i'll even carry my berretta 96 concealed, just to show that it can be done.

as much as i like my colt officer acp and 220, i've had a hankering for another .45 lately. i want a les baer and a ed brown but...for less than half the outlay for either one, i can get both 97's that i want (ruger and cz)

i think the ruger 97 is the best "starter" .45 on the market without having a notion of the purchaser's skill level. i recommend the cz 97b if they feel safe enough to use the "condition one" option (if they have it, they'll use it :rolleyes: )
The P-97 is a very good gun,easily the equal of the P-95 and in most ways probably a little better. Super reliable, very accurate,pretty good trigger. It`s about the same size as the P-95 but with a thinner grip. I outshot H&Ks, Glocks, Berettas and the lot with mine. Heck the guys outshot their own guns when they shot the P-97 a lot of the time! My prob is that it bites my hand (a very rare problem with Rugers) so I`m trading it on something that won`t. :( Go ahead and get one. Then buy the Kytac IWB holster I have for sale here! :D Marcus