Getting Ruger #1s to shoot well is an occult art akin to necromancy. Some shoot like a dream right out of the box, others seem like they are possessed. There are various formulas for getting them to shoot right: you bed the forearm to the frame extension and don't let it touch anything else OR you bed the forearm to the receiver and frame extension and freefloat the barrel, OR you bed the forearm to the barrel and put a rubber O-ring between the forearm and the frame extension OR you bed the forearm to the receiver and barrel and put a sheet of rubber gasket material between the forearm and the fframe extension, OR you jump down turn around picka a bale of hay . . . There are as many "secrets" as there are gunsmiths who have fought the little buggers to get them shooting right. But if you work with them and really study what the rifle is doing, you can get them shooting well, really well. So congratulations!