Ruger MKIII Reassembly Problem


New member
I know, this is age old. I just bought an MKIII (standard), trigger has no creep. It is reliable. Most refreshing after years with the MKII bullbarrel. After disassembly (including removing barrel) I cannot get the housing to seat. Forget the instructions, I have read them many times and tried with the pistol in front of them. A major question is, how do I know when the barrel and receiver are alined? I can put the closing pin all the way in from the top, a test that always worked with the MKII. Then, with all in place I can get it through from the bottom so it sticks out a bit on top. But when I go to close it, it will not. I see the hammer and I have tried it horizontal and other wise. It will not seat. I have tried the magazine insertion and pulling the trigger, no luck. Sure do need some advice. Thanks.
End of thread, for all practical reasons. Thanks for any attention it may have been given. I went back to see if the MKII would seat with the firing pin assembly out. It would. So I found that the MKIII would too if I inserted the magazine and held the trigger pulled. Then I assembled the pistol with the firing pin assembly in it, pulled and held the trigger as before and presto! Problem solved. I in between accidentally froze the housing shut and it was very difficult to get back out, using a jeweler screwdriver. I know, maybe the instuctions said all this but it did not register with me.
I go so frustrated after the second time of cleaning my MK111, I traded for a CZ 452 and never looked back......... If I can't clean it I surely don't need it...... It sure was a nice pistol though.......
I just don't get it, I have heard more complaints about the Ruger MK series pistols takedown than any other gun out there. I think their system is wonderfully simple and ingenious at the same time. I have never had any trouble with either my MKI or my new MKIII. I bought the MKI used and did not even have an owners manual to go by. I have seen examples of these pistols that looks like their owners beat the mainspring housings back in with a hammer. The trick is, to look at the parts and think about their relationship to each other before forcing things.
I go so frustrated after the second time of cleaning my MK111, I traded for a CZ 452 and never looked back......

Most of us who have disassembled a MkI/II/III have experienced some degree of frustration. I include myself in this group.

However, repitition is the key. Doing it a few times will take the mystery out of it.

I will grant you that re-assembling my MkII is not as instinctive (for me) as my 1911. But there may be Glock owners who find the 1911 unneccesarily complex to assemble...and given that perspective, I'd be hard-pressed to argue.