I know, this is age old. I just bought an MKIII (standard), trigger has no creep. It is reliable. Most refreshing after years with the MKII bullbarrel. After disassembly (including removing barrel) I cannot get the housing to seat. Forget the instructions, I have read them many times and tried with the pistol in front of them. A major question is, how do I know when the barrel and receiver are alined? I can put the closing pin all the way in from the top, a test that always worked with the MKII. Then, with all in place I can get it through from the bottom so it sticks out a bit on top. But when I go to close it, it will not. I see the hammer and I have tried it horizontal and other wise. It will not seat. I have tried the magazine insertion and pulling the trigger, no luck. Sure do need some advice. Thanks.