Ruger Mk II: get my barrel threaded or add a Pac-Lite upper?

Personally, I would not mess with threading that particular barrel set up. Just go buy a MKIV with a threaded barrel setup and keep the MKII as it is.
Just buy a pistol with the barrel configuration that you want.
The receiver tube is the serialized part. So, you are, essentially, buying another firearm when you buy a Paclite upper.

I don't think it is worthwhile to modify the Mk II.

Keep the Mk II for fun.
Use the new beater for whatever requires threading.
Like Frank says, just buy a pistol. Or re-barrel altogether.
Having a tapered barrel threaded, if it can be, will cost a ton of money. The taper needs to be removed then threaded. There may not be enough steel after removing the taper to thread it.
In any case, machining costs over $100 per hour plus set up time.
Question is why do you want threads?
I would go with the Pack-lite barrel. At $200-$250 your probably not much more than having yours cut and threaded.

That way you retain your original barrel. You could always sell it to recoup some of the cost. Me I would keep both and have the option of switching back.