Ruger Markii Government Model


Came across a Ruger Markii Government Target with serial 210-29469. Seller is asking $499 for 95% with a few scratches and 2 magazines. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Do you mean the gun is U.S. marked or that it is the "Government Target Model" without the "U.S." marking but in the 210 number series?

My source, The Blue Book, says that the U.S. marked pistols start at serial number 210-00001 and run to 210-18500, below the number you give.

U.S marked guns range in value from $300 to $1000 or so; the same model without the marking ranges from $125-$350 or so. Only some 25 of the "U.S." guns are believed to be in civilian hands.

In other words, that gun with the "U.S." marking would out of the known serial number range and likely a counterfeit; without the marking, the gun is not worth anything close to $500.


Thanks for the quick response. No "US" marking, its the civilian version "Government Target." Feels great, looks great besides the scratch, no target, no box but 2 clips. Sounds like the highest I should offer is $350. Are the older Rugers such as this one more accurate than the newer MarkIII models? Thanks again for the help.
My bad - Blued Gov't Target's are worth almost a C-note more.

Did Ruger say why your SN pefix wasn't listed on their website, when you spoke with them about the DOM ?

Blued. Called ruger, built in 1988.

They must have done the "210" series as a special run, since, by the list on their own website, the guns listed as being made in 1985 start with "211," 1986-87 "212," 1988 "213," etc.
The OP says the number is 210- and the Blue Book agrees. I really don't understand the problem.

Jim, I don't doubt the OP, but Ruger's own website doesn't even show any 210 s/n prefixes.

Also, my Blue Book (which is a couple years old) doesn't have that info, either.

On the other hand, their info may not be the best. They show by s/n that my 10/22 was made in 1965 and I know darn good and well I bought it in November, 1964. (At Rice-Grose Hardware, Gainesville, FL.)
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I deleted the above because I had quoted the Blue Book in violation of copyright restrictions.

To paraphrase, the BB says that the Government Target Model (MK678G) was made 1987-2004. The US marked guns were serial numbers 210-00001 to 210-18500. I can only assume that information came from Ruger.

The non-US marked values top out at $350, the US marked ones at $1000.

Asking too much, so negociate

Way too much, even for a SS model but you never know these days as I'm seeing some pretty crazy things. Last year, I sold a Blued model, for $275.00. ..... ;)

Heck, you can buy a brand new MK-III Hunter for less than that. These Government models are in the same league as the Target, Competition and Slab side models. They are good but not "that" good. .... :cool:

Be Safe !!!
To paraphrase, the BB says that the Government Target Model (MK678G) was made 1987-2004. The US marked guns were serial numbers 210-00001 to 210-18500. I can only assume that information came from Ruger.

My Blue Book is several years old. Apparently that tidbit was added after mine was published. What editiion do you have?

I find it strange that it isn't listed on Ruger's own website, however.
My BB is the 31st edition.

As to Ruger's web site, I can only suggest sending them an e-mail and asking about those contract models.

The BB also says they were for "training purposes" but I doubt that. The US has not, since the 1930's, used small bore rifles or pistols for training; regular training is done with the service rifle or pistol. Those Ruger pistols, like the High Standard and Colt pistols before them, were for use by military pistol teams in normal competition, not for training recruits.

Documentation to Whom

One of my older Government models, came with a factory test target or target documenting of performance. Often wondered, documentation to whom? I have seen new generations that did not come with this documentation as well as other. I'm guessing that Competition models were provided with this as well. ... :confused:

Be Safe !!!