Ruger Mark II Competition rings return to zero?


New member
If one mounts a scope with the ruger rings/mount can you remove the scope & have it return to zero once you remount it? Thanks
10mmman, not directly related to your question, and probably something you already know, but I'll tell you of my stupidity.

Just a couple of months ago, I bought a new MKII that was pre-drilled and shipped with the factory base and 1" rings. In addition, I purchased a red dot scope to complete the package.

As I had just joined a club, I was all pumped up to get things zeroed in. I just knew if I had the latest hot rod, I could produce the same excellent scores several of the other members had.

I went to a local indoor range and ran over 200 rounds through it. I had the both the iron sights and the scope dialed in perfectly. I was ready!

Two days later I went to the club meet. On the first target, the first 5 shots were great! Then, things went downhill. I couldn't hit the ten ring if my life depended on it.

Scratching my head and inspecting everything after that round was over, there it was: The scope was actually broken/cracked at one of the rings. And why was it broken? Both thumbscrews that tighten the rings to the base had loosened. The thing had shaken itself to destruction. (Let's face it, even these little 22's exhibit quite a bit of shock to its parts.)

I'm usually fairly careful about checking my equipment and making sure I'm using a safe firearm. However this time, I think my want of those great scores got the best of me.

Moral of the story: Don't be a dummy like me and fire hundreds of rounds without checking the scope mounting screws. Check them regularly!

I hate those finger screws. Im getting a scope that does not have them. I had to tighten mine down so tight they have marks in them from the screwdriver.

Its not a dumb mistake, it seems everyone has had it happen to them, including myself.

I ran ammo thru it all day and kept on adjusting the scope(DUH!)before i realized it was coming off its mounts.

Then, just when i thought i had it all figured out i leave the thing running killing the batteries. And i never learn, i go thru a battery every time i use it because i always forget to turn it off.

I guess "turning off your gun" takes some getting used to.

P.S. for those interested in buying a ruger and having a scope mounted. Get one pre-drilled. It'll save you alot of time money and hair.

Tim :)

Washington DC does not allow citizens to own guns, Yet it's the murder capital of the U.S.