After several attempts to get my wife to join me at the public shooting range, today it was a beautiful spring-like day and she agreed to go. I gave her all the necessary safety instructions and had her shoot my 22lr from a good rest at a 10 yd target. She did quite well for the first time ever firing a pistol and seemed to enjoy it! On the second target I gave her some advice to obtain a better sight picture but she actually shot better at the first target! So much for my advice I guess. But we had a good time and I think she may do it again- who knows she may surprise us both and want her very own Ruger! The only thing that bothered her was that the range was a little crowded and the two women and older gentleman shooting 380s and 45 autos next to us unnerved her...not unlike how many of us were the first time at the range. She had good hearing protection on so I didn't worry about that. We will see, maybe a new shooter was born today.