Ruger M77RSI w/Mannlicher stock and 18 inch barrel in .308


New member
I have not seen any posts about the Ruger M77 with Mannlicher stock.

The factory version offers only 4 chamberings: .243, .270, .308, and 30-06.

I would think that the 30-06 and .270 would lose a lot in performance with just an 18 inch barrel.

Naturally, I am consumed with sudden passion for one of these.

I have my local gun shop getting me a price on one chambered in .308. Any positive or negative comments on this before I spend the dough?


Dogger. I have three of them, all in .308 Win. Nuff said?
When you get yours, E-mail me and I pass along the loads that worked for me. All three like the same loads.
Actually, one is mine. My wife tried to appropriate it so I bought her one. A guy at the range was not happy with his, so I bought it for a spare. I was shooting mine at the time, and shot my loads in it. 1.25 inches. The guy was a bit pi$$ed when he found out the rifle would group.
They're just about my all time favorite deer rifle, and I don't hesitate to use it on elk either.
Good luck with yours.
Paul B.
P.S. I'm looking for a fourth. I want to rebarrel one to .358 Win. Ruger said they'd never make them in that caliber, so I guess I'll have to. :)
Hmmm. local gun shop wants $535 for the M77RSI in .308. Seems high to me, but the retail price posted on Ruger's website is higher than most of the other M77 variant's too.
I'll admit I love this wonderful style of little rifles. I had one built on a Mauser action, 16 1/4 inch McGowan barrel, EC Bishop stock, Leupold 1.5 x 5 V-III, in .358 Norma Mag. Then Ruger brought out his. I have seen one (custom not Ruger) in .458 Win. All kinds of possibilities. Enjoy Gentelmen!!
Dogger... I've owned three M77 RSI's. Two (7x57 and 250/3000) were the older "tang-safety" version. I've also had the MKII version in 308 which was a sub moa shooter. I have a real soft spot for the RSI... I'd go so far as to say it's one of Rugers best products... very traditional!

I wish they'd chamber in 6.5x55... now that would be a great chambering. I'd also go along with the 358 Win.

$535 is a bit steep for this rifle... I'd be a buyer in the $475 range. If you get one, I'd suggest a "drop-in" trigger. Also, I'd bed the lug area and full bbl. channel.

Best Regards, Brad
For the life of me, I cannot understand why Ruger dropped the 7x57 chambering for this truely beautiful Rifle. Totally appropriate - and I think that 6.5x55 chambering would also be a hit. While we are at it, why not the 8x57? This Rifle is termed "International", isn't it?

I really dig the full length stock. The plastic stocks are OK, but the whole appeal of the rifle is greatly enhanced with a good looking piece of Walnut and the Mannlicher stock. Give me a double set trigger and a spoon bolt handle and I'm in heaven!

I don't want to knock the std chamberings - but these old cartridges have their merits, and as a handy little woods rifle, these Rugers are really hard to beat. Good luck with your purchase!

Unkel Gilbey
7x57 would be a true old world match for the 77 RSI. I think I'd have to save up for one of those.

PaulB, uh, a spare? In .308? I'll be glued to the monitor, watching, for it in "Buy, Sell and Trade: Rifles & Shotguns" forum ... ho,ho.
Sensop. I'm afraid you won't live long enough. :) Them's keepers. I didn't know Ruger made the International in 7x57. I'll have to look for one. That's another favorite cartridge of mine. I have a #1A in that caliber and I love it. All my Internationals are the ones with the tang safety.
Paul B.
I have an older one in .308 (tang-safety). I had the Gunsite Gunsmithy mount a Burris Scout scope on it back in the early 1980's. It is fitted with a Sparks "CW" sling (I agree that Eric Ching's clever Ching Sling is a "better mousetrap" but the "CW" pleases my sense of nostalgia).

A freind has one of the newer MKII ones in .30-06. It is fitted with a conventional 1.5x-5x (I think) Leupold and a Ching Sling.

The RSI's are great little rifles and some of the most handsome ever made.

Reading several other posts (.308 versus 30-06 debate) got me to thinking... Heck, if I am going to get the RSI in .308, why not go for the 30-06? Most likely I will hunt with the 150 grain Federal Classic load. Would want to mount a Leopold Vari-X II 3-9x40 on it. I guess the total package would way in just under 8 pounds. I reckon this is a rifle whose recoil would make it a little unsavory?
Dogger... I also had an M77 RLS (Ultralight with conventional stock, open sights and 18 1/2" bbl.). This rifle is no longer made, but mine was in 30-06. Forget it! The 30-06 really needs at least a 20" bbl. to utilize its potential. Muzzle blast was ridiculous. I didn'nt mind the recoil, and it did shoot quite well though. The 308 is the logical choice if you want a carbine. If you want a "full-sized" gun, go with the 06. Really, the only reason to choose a 308 over the 06 is if you want a short, light, powerful carbine (IMHO).

Regards, Brad