Ruger M77 V questions


New member
Hi folks. I just bought a Ruger M77(not MKII) heavy barrel w/walnut stock in .308. It appears to be barely used. I have some questions for those who own or have owned this gun. First, are you/were you happy with it? Is there an easy(or any)way to bring the trigger pull weight down a bit? What kind of accuracy can I expect with factory or surplus ammo?
I wanted a Remington but could not find one near me, and the Ruger's price was attractive. Any advice or observations would be welcome. Thanks!

P.S. This rifle came with a Charles Daly(?) 4-12x scope on it. Seems pretty clear and bright. Does anyone know anything about these scopes? Who makes them for C/D?
Thnaks again,

semper ubi sub ubi
Hey, vanfunk.

Mine is a MkII .308 so I can't comment on the trigger (it's are totally different on th MkII VT). Ask over in "The Smithy" and someone will know.

As for accuracy: mine shoots MOA with Federal Gold Medal match ammo, and I think handloads should shrink that nicely, but I haven't tried it yet (favorite starting loads anyone?)

In 'Bolt Action Rifles' by Frank de Haas, he states that his 77V in 22-250 was the most accurate factory rifle he ever owned--it shot a .225 in. group right out of the box!