Ruger Industry Ranking


Hey -
I'm trying to put together a term paper for Finance class which will show industry ranking and financial analysis for Sturm / Ruger.
Looking for a good reference site. Any info is appreciated.
Ruger stock is traded on the market (probably NYSE). You may want to go the to a brokerage firm or business library to dig up more information.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Ruger's ticker symbol is RGR. You can probably get their financials and quarterly report from your ISP home page finance links. You can contact Dunn & Bradstreet for their ranking. As a last (or may be first) resort, why not call Ruger and ask for the stockholder relations dept. If they are like most companies, they will answer all of your questions or send you the material you need.
Another good source of information for them would be the Edgar site. Edgar contains all of the financial filings for every public company in the U.S. Edgar is run by the SEC.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Sir: It appears that you have what you need already. For what it may be worth, I bought some Ruger stock back in 1980 or so for the heck of it; what with buying some additional stock and splits I found myself with more than I ever expected. My reason for doing so was that I was impressed with the company, its products, and its management. Even if they made widgets, they seemed to know what they were doing and even knew how to drop a product that wasn't working out. (A comparison with Colt's management since, say, 1949 would be instructive!) The value of the stock has tanked in the last couple of years, but that is because of the political climate, not the product. (BTW, my son is a business major; good luck.)
