ruger gsr what can i expect


New member
Im gonna take my ruger gsr out to the range this week, till now i only shot a few times at 50-75 yards with it.
Question is what group size can i expect at 150, 250 and 400 yards? im going to use 168gn nosler match ammo.
Im shooting from a bench to sight it in, i wanna know what i can expect so i can tell if the ammo i use is good for the rifle.
as soon as i know which ammo works best and is sighted in, the rifle will never see a bench again, its a rifle bought for use in the field.
Try a few different ammo makers and bullets. Every rifle has its own favorite load. Rifles that were built in the same place, same tooling and same hands will shoot the same ammo differently. The only way to know for sure is to try different ammo until you are happy with group size. What you get at 100 yards should be about half what you get at 200. Make sure the gun is as stable as possible. Bag the forend and the butt stock to remove your own wiggling. Practice. Have fun.
P.S. you can expect close to moa with at least 1 kind of ammo, just have to find out which one it is.
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Im gonna take my ruger gsr out to the range this week, till now i only shot a few times at 50-75 yards with it.
Question is what group size can i expect at 150, 250 and 400 yards? im going to use 168gn nosler match ammo.

What kind of a shooter are you? Have you ever had a chance to shoot a rifle with known accuracy past 100 yds? If so, what was your group size with that rifle?

It's rather hard to say what your group size will be with your ruger when we've no idea how well you can shoot. That is a rather very important part of the equation.
I want to know how tight the groups CAN be with ideal ammo shooting from a bench, because if i dont know what i can consider a very tight group ill never know if i have found the perfect ammo or im gonna search for ever because im waiting to get impossible groups.
Barrel length is 16,5" twist is 1:10.
Shooting in the field is a whole different story..
great link you shared Scoutman!! so true...
No offense intended Bear, but IMHO you are jumping the gun. I've been shooting and reloading for bolt action rifles for over 50 years. Assuming you do not reload your own rifle cartridges, you must try several brands and bullet weights after you have shot the rifle, cleaned it well, and properly adjusted action screws and all scope mount screws. I would expect the average Ruger GSR to be at about 2 MOA (possibly better) at 100 yards, but its short barrel will reduce velocity more rapidly than a typical 22" barrel .308 bolt action. The lower velocity will, of course, allow the bullet to drop faster and will also make the bullet more vulnerable to cross winds. As a result accuracy at longer ranges may less than what you hoped for. FWIW I recommend returning to the bench regularly to fine tune your rifle AND your shooting skills. I typically spend hours shooting from the bench to develop and fine tune a load, adjust my hunting scope, and practice for perhaps ONE 400 yard shot at an elk, mule deer or black bear. I hope some other experienced hunters will offer their opinions on these issues.
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I would expect the average Ruger GSR to be at about 2 MOA (possibly better) at 100 yards

Mine leans towards the "better" end of that quote. I can't honestly say I've gotten any five shot MOA groups but I've certainly gotten well under 2 MOA with several loads. It's a nice and handy little rifle. It does like heavier bullets rather than lighter ones. Mine even has a decent factory trigger. I still don't like the factory flash hider, I just haven't figured out what to replace it with. And I haven't found the perfect scope for it yet either. I did settle on the five round polymer magazine as my default mag. Much, much better than the OEM ten round metal mag.

Like the rifle a lot. Considering that I never end up shooting a deer further away than 100 yards... I might even carry mine up into my deer stand this year. Or maybe I will let my 14 year old son use it. He's already been admiring it.
