Ruger GP-100 snub vs. S&W 686 snub

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New member
I am in the market for a new .357 maggie to replace my dated Rossi .357mag. I will be taking a trip to a fairly wooded area in the southeastern US in October and this seemed like a good excuse to pursuade my better half let me upgrade.

I have narrowed my choices down to the Stainless Ruger GP-100 with a 3" full-lug bbl. or the Stainless S&W 686 in 2 1/2 bbl. trim. I am fully aware that the Ruger is probably the more durable of the two and is going to be less expensive and the Smith has the better trigger...Blah, blah, blah. I am looking for you guys who have used one or both and can give me an honest up or down on these fine pieces of american industry.

By the way, I am new to the firing-line and am impressed with the level of knowledge you guys have, and the means by which you express it. Hope to talk to you all soon.

Is anyone able or willing to help me on this topic, or are we so consumed by autos that we no longer have any practical knowledge on the subject?

Any info from you guys/gals would be greatly appreciated.


"By His stripes we are healed..."

You have a 5906 Smith. You don't need another gun.
Judging by the number of them that come into my shop, the Ruger is more rugged... but, you have to decide for yourself on a choice like this. Can you borrow or rent one of each to try them out side by side?
Sounds like you've already answered the question--not much more to add as far as I can see. I don't know if the Smith in snub form is available as a 7 shooter--that may be a definite advantage...
I like the Smith 686 snub and use it as a house gun. I like the feel, look and balance.
Never cared for the look of Ruger revolvers.

Another thing against Ruger: Bill Ruger came out in favor of a hi-cap magazine ban a few years ago, if I recall. So my distaste for Rugers is political, too.
I tend to lean toward the 686 snub myself but that is not meant to "snub" (pun intended) the GP100. The GP100 could very well be the toughest gun ever chambered in .357 Magnum and if longetivity is the main purpose it should be selected. There are a lot more S&W style accessories to make the gun fit you if having a gun that "fits" is the prime criteria. A lot of it boils down to what I am used to and have shot Smith & Wesson revolvers for a long, long time. Funny thing though, my first two handguns were a Super Blackhawk and a Service Six.
I would also like to say though that neither one would be my first pick for a .357 snubbie. To me the perennial .357 snubbie is the Model 66 round butt with the 3 inch barrel. I had one about 15 years ago and sold it to buy a Colt Python. If I could have one gun back, it would be that 66. I really like the 2 1/2 inch version and have had several over the years but that three inch with the full ejector rod was inexplicably "right" in every way imagineable.
Take care and God bless,
I have the S/W, that i gave my wife.
She constantly complains about the "Hard trigger".
I, pesonally prefer Ruger, since they are incredibly easy to work on and service.
Did NOT know about Ruger being in Politics, but would assume that they are treying to survive in these "Anti -Gun " times.
As I can recall, Ruger has done quite a bit to improve safety and provide education.
I have a feeling that in these times it is better to do A BIT, then to sit back and do NOTHING, and hope for the best.(Look what happened in the UK!!!!!UNREAL!!!!!!)
Paladin: I truely appreciate your candor with this subject. Just today I decided to go with the GP-100. To be honest with you, I have never felt so comfortable a grip as I did with the compact santoprene grips that come standard on the 3"bbl, fixed sight guns. Albeit, the Smith did have a silky smooth trigger, but the Ruger's was not anything like you'll hear from some. It was heavy but just as smooth as the smith's as far as I could tell. Thakn You so much again. God bless.

Leadfoot: I cannot speak for Bill Ruger on his position on Hi-cap mags. But if his position is what you say, then it a point of disagreement between him and us. But that has little or nothing to do with fact that he makes the best .357mag for the buck in my opinion...and thats why I am compelled to buy one. It is the same reason i buy Toyota Camrys. Right now, they are building the most reliable, dependable car in America. And the good thing is the darn thing is built in Kentucky. Would I like to buy GM or Ford? Sure, and when they catch up to Toyota< I will buy one. I buy the best for me and my family. Period

God Bless.

"By His stripes we are healed..."

PeterGunn, you'll never regret choosing the GP100. I've had one for years & have an SP101 also. Great guns, reliable, easy to strip for cleaning, etc.

Ruger actions can be smoothened, but won't approach the Smith. For myself, I'd stay with the Ruger because of its ruggedness.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
GP-100 (though I also have S&W wheelguns, a 629 - not a 'snub'! - the favorite). The Ruger has been my number one on-hand-revolver (and a SIG P220, the semiauto): For ruggedness and reliability mainly, and accurate enough. BTW, I think 3" is about minimum for 357's. Good choice.
PS: one always needs another gun :)

Peter Knight
I love S&W revolvers. However, I'll be the first to admit that Ruger revolvers are better. For me, the answer would boil down to whether I prefer adjustable or fixed sights. In a snub, I'll take the latter. Another plus on the side of the Ruger are the grips. You will probably be perfectly happy with them. The Smith's are a different story. You can't go wrong with either one.
Having owned both the 686 and the GP100 (two of each), I must say that the Ruger is the better out of the facotry. Both Rugers seems to be more consistent and accurate. The 686 was good but the 2nd one had a problem which sent it back to the warranty gun store right after I got it. I give Ruger the better edge on Quality Assurance.

Ruger also has the better cylinder latch.
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