Ruger Blackhawk Rear SIght Bump or no Bump??


New member
I recently acquired a used Ruger Super Blackhawk.

Serial number places the date of manufacture around 1979

The revolver came with a scope mount on it that I had to drill off to remove. Needless to say, the original sight was not included.

I know that there is a "bump" rear sight and a "no bump" rear sight. If I understand correctly, no bump was Old Model blackhawks and early run new Model blackhawks.

Unfortunately, that puts my gun right at the transition, an early run New Model. I need to get a new sight, but don't know if it needs a bump or no bump rear sight.

Is there any way to tell for sure? I've been googling for an hour and come up with nothing.
Guns without the "bump" on the topstrap are generally called "flat tops", by shooters. Ruger factory names are a convoluted mess.

Try searching for "flattop" or "flat top" parts and see if that helps.
The bump (ears) is on the topstrap to 'protect' the rear sight. Simple as that.

The only .44Mag flattops are the Old Model BHs back in '56 to '63. All SBHs from '59 forward have the ears on the topstrap to protect the rear sight. The New Model SBHs ('72 forward) have the same frame and ears. The exception is the 50th .44Mag flattop BH built in '06 (no ears).

Hope that helps!
The "bump" is in the frame mortise, hidden by the rear sight when in place. A "no bump" rear sight requires the "bump" to be filed down.

My New Model Super Blackhawk had the bump which I had to file down to fit a Millett rear sight.

Bob Wright

Note that the "bump" and rear sight ears are two different critters.
1979 is not right at the Old/New Model transition.
It's well after & should take standard New Model sights.

Have you considered calling Ruger?
Remove your rear sight, and look at the groove, or mortise, in the top of the frame. If it is a flat mortise, that is "no bump." If there is a hump between the threaded hole and the holes for the retaining pin, that is the "bump." A "bump" rear sight will work for either one.

Bob Wright
Thanks for all the replies, especially the last one from Bob Wright.

With no rear sight in place, I can confirm that it is flat between the threaded hole and the set holes for the springs, so I need a "NO BUMP" rear sight.

Thanks for all the help!
Apologies. I thought the "bump" being talked about was the ears on the frame.

Never having removed the rear sight from any of my Blackhawks, I was unaware of the "bump" under the sight.