Ruger Blackhawk 7 1/2 45C


New member
Hi everyone,

I got a co-worker who has a revolver he is looking to sell and its a Ruger Blackhawk, stainless, 7 1/2 barrel in 45 Colt. Now I already have one in 4 5/8 stainless and a Blackhawk Hunter in 45C so I really don't need another but he's only asking $400. I wanted to see what the board thought of the price and if they would pick it up?:confused:
If you were me, you'd say something like, "Sounds like a fair price to someone that needs it. Give it a chance to sell at that price. If it doesn't sell and you still want to sell it, I can give $350 for it. But if I hear of someone that might be interested, I'll let you know." And then you can walk away, since you don't really need it. Maybe in a couple of days you'll get an offer you shouldn't refuse. Or maybe you know someone that could use a good deal more than you. But, of course, you are not me, and you might have more spare change, and the guy might be someone you want to help out without haggling over the price, etc.
I have, more than once in the past bought guns that I didn't need, from co-workers or friends, who needed money more than the gun. Some of them I wound up keeping, some got sold or traded when the opportunity arose.

$400 for a Blackhawk stainless sounds like a good deal these days, unless the gun has been trashed, and its tough to trash a Ruger...
I'd buy it at that price, even though I already have one. Can't have to many Rugers in .45Colt. I've got 12 of them already plus the .454. Also have Winchester and Marlin lever guns. Love the caliber. :)
45Colt_Man: Confession without repentance is just braggin'.;) Like Solomon and his wives; can't remember which he was with at last festival, much less her name! And which one's the favorite, lesee, I dunno.... can't decide which one gets to go out with me next week; oh, hell, just take four; it'll make it easier to decide!:D
But maybe you could show some pix and explain the special virtues of one versus another? This one for Sunday, that one for hunting, this one for that Holiday, that one for the wedding,.....:)
You might like the longer barrel more than what you have. So it may be that you keep the one from the friend and sell off one of what you have. $400 isn't bad so even if it were something you didn't like, you can make it up selling it. That's the beauty of used guns, it's like a free rental.

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I've seen this kind of comment a lot here:
Since when does need enter into the picture?
I'm sure it's just a light-hearted joke that's not intended to be taken too seriously. But the truth is that some folks have other needs that have to compete with their desires to get the attention their needs deserve. How can I buy this gun I want when there is this other thing I need and I can't afford both? For some of us, Need doesn't often enter our lives in the form of a gun; but rather, Need never leaves, though it often wears out its welcome. I want this gun, but what about the bald tires? The kids need shoes and the dog needs to go to the vet, but I want this gun.... Some people have the luxury of not having to make many sacrifices; they maybe already have money or make so much money that they are able to insulate themselves from real Need. Maybe the guy at work that's selling the gun in question is not so much disappointed in the gun as he may be dealing with a greater Need.
I, for one, am always juggling needs. Consequently, my vast gun collection has never gone beyond the single-digit category. I consider my pick-up truck modern, but it's 24 years old now. Currently, the Wife is between cars, i.e., wheel-less. I do hunt and fish and camp when I can, but it's challenging to keep everything afloat, Uncle Sam satisfied, and have any time or money to spare for my selfish desires. If it weren't for reloading, I would just about have to restrict my shooting to rimfires. It's good to remind myself of these things whenever I get tempted to buy a gun of any kind. And I do get tempted.
Yes, some people really do have to ask themselves, "Do I really need this? Don't I have one already? Why must I have another?"
7.5 barrel is a bit too long for my tastes. I like the 5.5 inch barrel blackhawks as a good in between. $400 is a good deal though for a stainless. You could always flip it if you dont end up using it.