Ruger Bearcat (new model)

Shot one today and found it was a bit sticky to put the fresh cartridges in and to eject spent ones. I was using CCI subsonic Quiet-22 (710 fps). The lady shooting next to me with her older original Bearcat had the same problem. Anyone else find this common for those guns?
The one I grew up shooting (Original) tended to be like that with a variety of ammo. It did and still does refuse to light at least one round in six off. It is a fun little plinker though, and I'm to sentimental about it to have it "fixed".
Brush out your chambers

Try brushing out your chambers to get the soot and gunk out.
Then try some standard 22 lr or hi-velocity.
My thougt on the matter is that the lower powered rounds do not have enough pressure to obturate the case so powder gas and residue tends to leak back along your case wall upon firing.
Standard pressure loads will treat you better.
I used to shoot a lot of 22 shorts in a handgun, they got sticky to extract or load while 22 lr didn't bother.
i Have a vintage Super Bearcat - lots of fun. The thing on these little SAs is to keep the chambers clean. If you clean it well and still have a sticky chamber - you might want to polish it some.

When I first got mine, I would clean it after every shooting session and lightly oil it down - including the chambers. The next time I shot it, I'd just wipe it down, load and shoot. I found that I had to get all the oil out of the chambers - even if it's just a light coating, and make sure they were completely dry of any lube or solvent. Just a tad of either and a case could get stuck and eject hard. After I learned that - I still had one chamber that was a little sticky so I polished it and since then, haven't had a problem.

I shot all brands out of mine . . CCI, Winchester, Remingtons, etc. I haven't shot it in several years after getting disgusted with the shortage of 22 ammo and then when you could find it, the gouging prices. One nice thing though about the Bearcats - they'll eat anything from CB caps through LR. I still have a case of Remington 22 shorts that I bought back in 1963 - for the whopping sum of $5.00/case of 10 boxes. If my wife wants to shoot, I'll probably have her work on that. Unfortunately, all of my 22s have been "parked" for a couple years - cheaper to cast, load and shoot 38 spl. :D:eek: