Ruger 50yr 22 auto pistol good Birthday gift for dad?

Many years ago my dad taught me to shoot a pistol with a Ruger 22 auto. It took great time and lectures on his part. "Son slow down take one shot at a time." God bless him. Well, he turns 50 next month and I wanted to get him something special. I found one brand new 50yr red box Ruger 22 auto pistol in a nearby store for $240. I know he was born in 1951 not 1949 when Ruger came out with that type of handgun. But, will this make a good Birthday gift for him? He is only going to turn 50 once, so I bought the pistol today with the idea of using it for a gift next month.

What I mean to ask is, Would You Like A New Ruger 50yr 22 pistol for your 50th Birthday?

Thanks for all the input guys.
If you call me Dad, ;) I'll let you buy me a Ruger - and I'l be proud to call you "Son" afterwards. I think your father would be tickled pink for you to honor him with the gift of a 50th Anniv. Ruger. Go ahead and buy it for him.
I'll be 50 in 8 more years. Would you buy me one and hang on to for me. I'd be tickled pink, well maybe not pink, maybe light shade of red. Naw not that either, aw heck! go get the durn thing. Whos yore daddy? Me, if you'll buy me that gun.:D
If your Dad's blood is red, he will love this gun.

When my grandfather died, my father left me his (grandads) Ruger .22 Mrk II.

A couple of years went by, and I was in need of money and I regretfully sold the gun.

20 yrs later I'd pay anything to get that gun back. I had to buy the 50yr model to replace my grandfathers gun and this will be one of the guns I pass down to one of my heirs.

Your dad will like the gun, I can't see why he wouldn't.
I've already passed 50, but you can send me the Ruger anyway! :) Seriously, I can't imagine him not liking it, especially since he's a shooter. It being the 50th Ann. edition is a nice touch.