Ruger 454


Does anyone have one? How do you like yours if you do? What sorts of loads do you shoot in it and how is it holding up?
I don't have one but I did fondle one at the gun store today. Sure looks nice! I'd also be interested in what current owners have to say.

I have one. It is a great gun. I wanted a DA 45 LC to use heavy loads in so I haven't tried the 454 rounds yet. I blew a big enough hole through a whitetail this year using those. Black bear hunting is on my list I will use full power 454 loads then. The gun is all you could ask for. I have fired hundreds of heavy 45 LC loads in it and it is still as tight as the day I bought it. It shoots like a target pistol. Buy one you will not regret it.
I'll be picking mine up next Saturday (have to go through Maryland's back ground check and 7 day waiting period). Plan on starting off by trying 260 gr JHP and 300 gr JSP from If I still have wrists that are in working condition I'll do a post under Lock & Load :D.
JBP, if you could cut and paste your review here, I sure would appreciate it. I have not been to L&L... maybe I should go there as well...
45C Loads

I've recently bought a RedHawk 45C, and would like to know the load you used to on the deer. I'm planning on busting a few wild pigs and I'm looking for a suitable reload. -Brian
Brian Use Jacketed Bullets-

All the late production Rugers in .45 Colt have undersized chambermouths (.450!) that screw up accuracy with cast bullets..Roy
Brian I used a 250 XTP pushed by 22 grains of 2400 in a 45 LC case. I use a 454 SRH. For pigs you might want a bullet that offers better penetration. The 250 XTP does not do well when it encounters bone but it is hell on lung tissue.
I have one ,and I like it a lot,
so far I only shot factory ammo and avoid lead bullets,
Got some sierra bullets 250 gr JHC but dont have any dies yet ,I have a dillon square deal B and they make the conversion for 45 colt but will not work for the 454.
Factory ammo is expensive, didnt get to shoot a deer this year with it.
As far as recoil, get you some good shooting gloves,It hurts with the 300 gr bullets from hornady.
This is a hand cannon and if it rolls in your hand it will peel the skin

I had to use a wood dowel rod to extract the hornady cases,
I emailed hornady about it and their reply was that brass would be ok for reload.
Did not have that problem with magtech or winchester loads.
A coworker has one, and boy is there recoil! Seriously though, he reloads 300 (?) and 325 gr. lead SWCs, unsure of the powder charge. Suffice it to say he now wears a glove shooting it, due to the skin being rubbed off on the web of his hand.
I fired it a couple times, too much recoil for me. I wish Ruger would put larger grips on their revolvers.
A rare pleasant day in Maryland this winter and a perfect day to try out the SRH .454. I also took along my Uberti SA .45 Colt to see what the recoil difference was between the two revolvers. I was firing off a bench using a pistol stand. Started out with Winchester 45 Colt 255 Gr Lead in the Uberti. Recoil was moderate. Switched to the SRH and it was like firing a .22, no recoil whatsoever. The 14 fired rounds went into the black so I did not mess around with the sight adjustments. Time to go for broke :rolleyes:. Started with 260 Gr. Speer JHP from Bullseye. After 6 rounds of heavy recoil I decided to stop being masochistic and put on my Uncle Mike shooting gloves that I wear when I fire my Contender in 30-30, 35, and 375. That helped a lot and I started concentrating on shot placement. By the 40th round and a series of sight adjustments I was placing most of the shots in the black but with wide groupings. Part of the problem was the pistol stand is plastic and the recoil kept on pushing it back on the bench so I had to readjust it for every shot (next time I'll use my Bull Bag). I let my hands take a breather and I switched back to the Uberti. That lasted three shots when the mainspring broke and the cylinder would not turn when I cocked the hammer :mad: I then went back to the SRH but with 300Gr JSP. I don't know if my hands were numb by this point but the recoil felt less than the 260 and the groupings were better. I put the last 6 rounds in the 8, 9, and 10 rings and called it a day suffering some skin missing on my shooting finger. Bottom Line: The .454 is everything that people say it is and shooting gloves are a real good idea. A lot more recoil than my 44 Mag SRH but manageable once you get used to it. I'll start with the 300 gr ammo next time out to see if my impressions of today were correct.