Ruger 454 problems


Hello this is my first post, though I have been lurking and enjoying this site for some time.

I bought new Ruger 454 w/ a Burris 11/2-4x scope @ the end of March. The first time I took it to the range I noticed that the scope did not look parallel with the barrel. If you are familiar with the way Ruger makes their rings they have a lug seat that is cut in the top of the barrel for the ring to sit in. My front lug seat was not cut perpindicular to the barrel. Which made the gun shoot to the left of the point of aim even though the scope was maxed out in that area. The gun was shooting fairly tight groups at 100 yds. though. (maybe 2")

I sent the gun back to Ruger, they acknowledged the flaw and repaired it, though it took what I thought was an unreasonable amount of time to do so. (they didn't send me all ring parts either,but thats another story)

So now I go back to the range and I can hardly keep it on the paper at 50 yds.

What am I doing wrong? Any feedback would be appreciated.

:( :confused: :(
Sounds like another send back to me.If you shot well the first time and are useing the same ammo its the guns fault.
Have to agree with beemerb, send it back to Ruger. But I'm glad you brought up the subject since I'm having the same problem with my SRH 454. I put a Bushnell Elite on it and I've never had any problem with that model scope on any of my Contender barrels but on the 454 is consistenly is shooting high and to the left no matter what adjustments I make to it. I'll have to check my lug seat to see if it had the same problems as yours.
I would suggest trading it in on a Freedom Arms .454. The old adage you get what you pay for applies here. I own three Freedom Arms in .454. The Ruger doesn't even come close.
the 454 is a big kicker .will it shoot without the scope.if it will then its the you have another scope of know accuracy,if so try it.
I'm with kidcolt, it could be the scope. I haven't talked to anyone local that has used any scope on a .454 without problems after fairly few rounds. I'd follow the suggestion to try it out without the scope at 25 or 50 yards with factory sights. At least this will let you know if the gun is doing it's part. Just a suggestion based on what I've heard since I don't own one...yet.:)

I meant to include this...

There was a guy that shoots at a local range that had a red dot on a .454 (Raging Bull I think) and the reciol broke the sight completely in half. That kind of gives us an idea of what kind of forces a scope is having to deal with on these babies. :)

I wonder how an Optima 2000 sight would hold up on a .454 since they are much lighter than any scope or dot sight. Anyone tried this?
