Does anyone know where i can purchase a piston block plug with the set screw for a Ruger 44 mag carbine, tube fed. Numrich lists it on their site but its been out of stock for close to a year now. Ive tried various other places as well on the net with no luck.
I have the old block plug that could be used for the deminsions. Is there any smiths on here that could fabricate one for me or point me to someone that can. If so send me a pm an let me know how much. I hacked the old one up trying to fix it myself. It all started with a stuck set screw...
Id really like to get this old gun shooting again. Thanks
I have the old block plug that could be used for the deminsions. Is there any smiths on here that could fabricate one for me or point me to someone that can. If so send me a pm an let me know how much. I hacked the old one up trying to fix it myself. It all started with a stuck set screw...
Id really like to get this old gun shooting again. Thanks