Rudy proves he has no core...


New member
Plenty of complaints have been levelled at Rudy for taking the position of the day on things like guns and abortion. Such flip flops I think do little to win your former opponents, who consider you an opportunist, while alienating your former supporters.

Rudy though has now come out with a statement that has seriously angerred many of his NY fans... He stated he supports the Red Sox in the World Series!,0,2284597.story
Rudy backs Red Sox during Beantown visit

Associated Press Writer

1:47 PM EDT, October 23, 2007


Sounds like a baseball flip-flop. Rudy Giuliani, a lifelong New York Yankees fan, said Tuesday he's pulling for their most hated rivals, the Boston Red Sox, to win the World Series over the Colorado Rockies.

"I'm rooting for the Red Sox," the Republican presidential contender said in response to a question, sparking applause at the Boston restaurant where he was picking up a local endorsement.

"I'm an American League fan, and I go with the American League team, maybe with the exception of the Mets," he said. "Maybe that would be the one time I wouldn't because I'm loyal to New York."

Giuliani's Yankees lost in the first round of the playoffs, then lost their manager when Giuliani's friend, Joe Torre, refused to accept a pay cut and walked away. Giuliani said the Yankees had "a great season."

The former New York mayor said his declaration of temporary Red Sox loyalty was "not just because I'm here in Massachusetts."
"In Colorado, in the next week or two, you will see, I will have the courage to tell the people of Colorado the same thing, that I am rooting for the Red Sox in the World Series," he said.

Indeed, if Giuliani was pandering, he miscalculated.

In the last presidential election, Colorado went with Republican President Bush, and recent history shows Massachusetts voters would sooner adopt Manhattan clam chowder as the state's official food than vote Republican in 2008.

Of course, just to the north is New Hampshire -- home to many Red Sox fans -- and the nation's first primary.

Copyright © 2007, The Associated Press

Now I think our emphasis on sports in this nation is pretty bad. At the same time I see people every day who seem to live and die by their team of choice, especially in playoff times. Rudy has always been a "pinstripe bleeding" die hard Yankee fan. I live in NY and people here take this serious. There are MANY who just outright HATE the Red Sox. Even those who are not real sports fans here know though that you CANNOT claim to be a true Yankee fan and ever root for the Red Sox. It can't happen. It would be like seeing America knocked out of contention for an Olympic Gold Medal in 1980 and therefore rooting for the Soviet Union, after they were the ones to knock us out.

I couldn't really give a fig for sports but I see this as a purely sell out move by Rudy which has all of NY talking about him today, and not in a good way.

This is but one more example that he has no core... except a desire to be president.
LOL. Rudy doesn't have a "core" because he doesn't hate the Red Sox. So he shouldn't be President. :rolleyes:

Rudy can root for whichever team he wants to root for, and it has nothing to do with whether he'll make a good president.

Go Rockies!!!!
Fremmer, you don't get it. Rudy has always claimed to be a die hard uber Yankee fan. If you do not live in NY then you may not know what that means. Every Yankee fan I know would root for a team made up of Serial Killers before they rooted for the Red Sox. For Rudy's entire NY political career he has always presented himself as a 100% Yankee fan, begrudginly rooting for the Mets if they made it and the Yankees didn't but only because they were also a NY team.

That the man would either pretend such loyalty the whole time he was here or is so flippant that such loyalty no longer exists has really energized NY'rs against Rudy. I seriously think this could cost him the state when he had a good chance of winning it.
I get it just fine. He loves the Yanks, who suck and didn't make the Series. So he can choose to root for the Sox, or for the Rockies. Not everyone who is a yanks fan has to hate the Sox. There is no law that requires yanks fans to hate the Sox or any other team.

And which team he chooses to support has nothing to do with his qualifications to be president; to state otherwise is, frankly, absurd. See, in the US, we're allowed to root for whichever team we want to root for. So if his "decision" to root for the Sox costs him the votes of New Yorkers, then they are idiots. Heck, they elected Hillary, and she is a diehard Yanks fan, too; she says she loves the Yanks, and she wears a Yanks cap. I'm sure that she hates the Sox, so you might want to consider voting for her.
He is free to root for who he wants. The people of the nation are also free to see exactly how willing he is to change any position in order to garner a few votes today.

Should he not be president becasue he roots for the Red Sox? Of course not.

Should he not be president because he changes positions to suit the flavor of the day? Certainly!

We already had President by Poll. I would rather not have it again. I have many issues with GW Bush and think he is far from the best man for the job. At least he has some convictions though and I have more respect for that than for a liar of the moment.
Like I said, Hillary is very consistent on her love of the Yanks, and on her hate for the Sox. She's your man. :D

At least you and I are rooting for the Rockies. I'm rooting for them because I'm from Colo, and it is frankly amazing that the Rockies (who suck) actually made it to the World Series.

I heard some guy on the radio reporting that the Rockies tickets for the Series were unavailable due to a "malicious computer attack", which means that most computers refused to acknowledge that the Rockies actually made it to the series. :D
Actually I am rooting for neither. I am a Mets fan, although far from fanatical. Even my casual rooting for the Mets resulted in my sould being ripped from my body by their horrid performacne at the end of their season. Frankly I would rather not watch any baseball at this point!

I also never said Hillary was any better. She showed up day one in NY with a Yankee cap claiming to always have been a fan, as most Chicago natives are...:confused:
You guys who have not been Red Sox fans for many miserable years don't really understand just how much the Yankees suck. A true Red Sox fan would welcome Osama Bin Laden cheering for the Sox before they would welcome some Yankee loving turncoat.
Not everyone who is a yanks fan has to hate the Sox.

You don't know yankees fans very well, or maybe the history of the AL East.

Go Rockies!

(I know almost nothing about the Rockies)

It's one of the most (if not the most) famous and oldest rivalries in all of American sports. You don't just switch sides like that. It's freaking heresy.

Then again, we are talking about the mayor who gave the Mets a parade after they lost to the Yankees in that Subway series.
You don't know yankees fans very well, or maybe the history of the AL East.

Go Rockies!

(I know almost nothing about the Rockies)

It's one of the most (if not the most) famous and oldest rivalries in all of American sports. You don't just switch sides like that. It's freaking heresy.

Durn tootin'.

Go Rockies!

Bob (an Orioles :barf: fan!)