Rudy Giuliani is not our friend


New member
Anybody else out there from the NY area. Rudy Giuliani has been doing radio ads all day on WNBC for proposition 2, which mandates trigger locks and Gun Free School Zones!

The ad ran at least 3 times during the Rush Limbaugh show!

Gun free school zones in NYC are a real scream, nobody can carry a gun anyway, except for the priveledged few with influence and money. You cannot even own a long gun without tremendous red tape in NYC. I guess all of the drug types and gang bangers will obey this law!

Rudy v s Hillary what a choice!

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.
Yes, we NY voters have limited options for the senate race. Let's see Rudy or Hillary, Facist or Socialist(Miming left and right hands acting as balances of a scale). There are some social areas where Rudy is as liberal as Clinton,(partial term abortion which even Moynihan voted against). It's practically a lose/lose proposition as Rudy has declared he is for gun control as well.

Don't you folks wish that NOTA was running?

None Of The Above. If he is the winner, there is a runoff with new candidates. The two losers are ineligible. Ah, perchance to dream!

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.