Rubicon crossed, atf reclassifies single action revolvers as machine guns, now banned!


New member
This is the last straw.

Immediately on the heels of the date when all bump stocks were to be surrendered and destroyed, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms has released a memo in which their technology branch has concluded that in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) update that was passed to reclassify bump stocks as machine guns, that single action revolvers are now NO LONGER IN COMPLIANCE with federal law thanks to rule changes to 27 CFR Parts 447, 478, and 479 and the "constructive possession" rule. Here's the statist tyranny propaganda reasoning:

"The Department of Justice (DOJ) proposals to amend the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives regulations to clarify that in regards to the act of cocking and releasing the hammer of a revolver whilst maintaining pressure on the trigger in order to retard the action of the disconnector (colloquially known as "fanning" a revolver) qualifies as a legitimate conversion of an otherwise semiautomatic firearm into a machine gun by functioning as a self-acting or self-regulating mechanism that evades the mechanical action of semiautomatic firearm in a manner that allows the trigger to reset and continue firing without additional physical manipulation of the trigger by the shooter.

Consequently, current possessors of these devices would be required to surrender them, destroy them, or otherwise render them permanently inoperable upon the passage of the 90th day of which the effective date the rule was passed."

That's right, after 180 years in United States firearm history, the single action revolver is now to become history that future generations will only be able to see in movies all because fanning the revolver fires more than one shot per trigger pull.

Here's the article that's told us the "British are coming" but instead of a Red coat, they're coming with SWAT teams and tanks like they did in Waco, TX.


What a way to begin the month of April...
I have deleted posts that are not related to the purpose of the original post.

Take the hint and go outside to tell kids to get off your lawn.
Geez, are you the folks who have no sense of humor and having the post run to see who gets caught?

Sorry, i had my funny bone removed back in the Marine Corps. It hasnt grown back:rolleyes:

The real crazy part is that the BATFE has such a long list of stupid crap, that this seems plausible:eek:
Sorry, i had my funny bone removed back in the Marine Corps. It hasnt grown back:rolleyes:

The real crazy part is that the BATFE has such a long list of stupid crap, that this seems plausible:eek:
Which is why I made the thread. I mean, if they can now classify a bump stock as a machine gun when in reality the trigger is being pressed each time a round is fired, then there's truly no limits to which a bureaucratic agency can go to bend the laws and create more and more regulations.
On a sillier note, who's up to help me design a Semi Auto lever action? Folks who still have fingers on their right hands need not apply.