Rubber grips for early Rugers...


New member
I 'm a big fan of Hogue mongrips, but they don't make one for my Service Six.

Are there any rubber grips for the early-style Rugers? The grips on mine are very skinny, and the gun moves more than I like when I shoot it.

And it's a .38 Special!
I have houge grips on all my ruger revolvers and autos. except my sercurity Six, I did not like the feel of the houge grips for the Security six. I would recommend the Pachmyer Full Signature Grips or the decelarators grips if made for your pistol.
Also houge does make grips for some of the Speed Six's.
Here is ther web site already on the Speed Six page.

I might be wrong, if so it won't be the first time but I do not believe that anyone makes a replacement rubber grip for the early Security Six series. If anyone does it will be Pachmayer and then it would only be limited as to type of grip. Hogue does not produce a grip for the early guns. You can get a Pachmayer Compact and carefully remove material from it so as to fit the grip frame. I will cheerfully stand corrected if someone does know of another option for synthetic grips. I've fought this battle on and off for years.

My Service Six has a 150 prefix. No grip from Hogue available (Rats.)

I will check on the Pachmayrs. I hope they're not huge like the Presentations. Gotta go look...

Thanks folks. Keep those suggestions coming. Worst to worst, I'll make a new set out of wood, but that's a lot of handwork, and I've no shop space right now, darn it. Whittleing hardwoods by hand is a bear, sometimes.
I have already fought this battle years ago with my early Ruger stainless steel Security Six and I came up with nothing in the line of rubber grips, zero, nada, zip and I looked for years. What I did find was a set of custom wood Mustang grips that I bought for mine. I later unloaded this Ruger in a trade and replaced it with a much newer model in 1982 that I could get the grips that I wanted for it. I still own that fine revolver and I have put thousands of rounds down range with it, I'll never sell that gun.
