Rubber bullets?

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Prof Young

New member
A recent encounter with an off-leash, large, dog made me think about packing around town. In my small rural community I usually don't carry. I don't know that I'd want to kill someone's unruly pet, even though they might deserve it. So I've started my research on rubber bullets from a handgun. I'm thinking 380 or 9mm. I'd love to hear from anyone with first hand rubber bullet experience.

Life is good.
Prof Young
I have seen a black bear hit with a jelly bag from a 12 gauge and that bear headed for the hills like a bolt of lightning. The ranger should have shot the camper that left food in his tent as well. That bear did nothing wrong but get food and should the bear encroach again, they have to drug it and drive it a hundred miles out and release it with a collar.

Plastic or wax bullets are used in Cowboy Quick Draw or for indoor shooting and usually are going under 600fps (or well under) and have about zero recoil and are full wad cutters and wont feed well in your semi-auto 380 or 9mm, let alone have the recoil to cycle the slide. Use a revolver for plastic bullets.

Discharging a firearm inside city limits is going to get you a free trip to see the judge and it's probably not worth it unless your life is in danger.

If your life is in danger, don't shoot plastic bullets.

If you shoot my dog, you'll meet my lawyer. You might get famous on social media for cruelty to animals. I imagine there are people out there in small rural communities that if they see you shooting their dog you will be shot at.

I suggest you find the owner of the dog and explain your concerns. Some dogs are big and friendly and some are just plain aggressive. I really love dogs but if one is viciously attacking a person put the dog down without shooting the person. Don't shoot little yap dogs, no matter how much we all want to. And no, you can't punt them. See above about lawyers and all.
Rubber or wax bullets, at close range, are still quite capable of being lethal. I think that someone wanting to run off, but not permanently injure or kill an aggressive dog would be better served with a can of pepper spray than rubber bullets.
I agree that pepper spray would be a much better idea Prof. Keep the gun loaded with real stuff, and in your pocket, until a life threatening confrontation rears its ugly head.
I would not play around with rubber/wax bullets. If you feel your life is in danger enough to need to use your gun then you shoot to stop the threat.

I could see a lawyer drooling with anticipation over a court case like this where some poor pet was hurt by your rubber/wax bullet.
Rubber or wax bullets, at close range, are still quite capable of being lethal. I think that someone wanting to run off, but not permanently injure or kill an aggressive dog would be better served with a can of pepper spray than rubber bullets.

I'm gonna agree. Problem is, real attacking dogs really don't feel pain. Many times when a owner or victim kicks or punches the animal, it just provokes it more. If you are packing, use real bullets. If the threat is real, the use to defend yourself, even against a dog, is legitimate. If the threat is real and continues to happen, then there is a risk to others also. So you drive the dog off with rubber bullets today after it munches on your leg......what happens next week when the victim is a 5 year old girl?
I read gas meters during summers through college and part time the rest of the year. After a while you learn how to deal with dogs and most are rarely a problem. Most of them just make a lot of noise. But there were a couple of routes I worked each month where I carried pepper spray. Only had to use it once. It works.

I'd think the problem with rubber bullets is the homeowner watching you shoot their dog. They don't know they are rubber bullets. And I don't know enough about them. Seems like they could do some serious damage too.
stinkeypete said:
If you shoot my dog, you'll meet my lawyer. You might get famous on social media for cruelty to animals. I imagine there are people out there in small rural communities that if they see you shooting their dog you will be shot at.
If your dog gets shot because it is off leash and goes after someone in this state, your lawyer will be too busy defending you from the police and the civil lawsuit against you to worry about going after the person who was only defending him/herself.
A wagging tail and a ball dropped expectantly at your feet should not be interpreted as aggressiveness.

A woman in my town had her two dogs shot by a “coyote hunter” as she ran with her two dogs on her pre-dawn run. They were on 15 foot leashes. He says he didn’t see her. Stuff like that is inexcusable.
I would get one of the Cold Steel Sjamboks and use that over shooting a dog. I had a dog that used to chase me on my bike when I was a kid. I had an old fishing rod blank and carried that with me once and when the dog ran out at me I swatted him over the head with it. He let out a yelp and left and I never was chased by that dog again.
I've messed with hot glue bullets, and wax, fun and work. But If I'm walking I do carry with regular defense ammo.
But also I started to carrying a steel expanding baton as well. If I am approached by a not friendly acting dog, that will be what I first take out. If I am spotted with that in the city around my place I don't think any one would bat an eye. But pulling a gun could get me surrounded by law enforcement. I would pull my gun if needed, but if I do I'm already under the assumption I will be using it. And that is something I will try to avoid at all costs.

Not going into great detail but most of the choices listed will be more lethal than you expected. You also have a problem of the use of a firearm. … :rolleyes:

For less that $30.00, you can use a Taser. On most dogs, all you have to do is turn it on and they run at the sound. They really hate the sound. If you have to make contact, it won't leave any permanent marks. ….. :rolleyes:

There are times when our daughter has to work a late shift and one evening, she was confronted by and aggressive dog. The sharp crackle did not stop it and they made contact. On later encounters, just the crackle, sent it running. … ;)

Be Safe !!!
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For less that $30.00, you can use a Taser

Thats not a “TASER”, thats a stun gun. Huge difference.

As a certified TASER, OC and Baton instructor, i would recommend OC for animal defense. More stand off distance. More effective. Less chance of serious injury to the animal (Vs a Baton). Just a better solution.
I Stand Corrected

Thats not a “TASER”, thats a stun gun. Huge difference.
Thanks for the correction and so glad, you caught the "spirit" of my reply … ;)

Also, the word is, That's rather then "Thats" …. :)

Be Safe
You have 3 problems with the idea, First is, rubber bullets (and anything else shot from a gun) CAN be lethal.

Second, discharging a firearm in a residential area (city. village, limits, etc.)

Third, no matter what comes out of the barrel, the law generally says firing a gun IS using deadly force.

Simply put, if you need to shoot, you need to shoot because of a real danger, and you should use real bullets.
Yeah . . . what was I thinking . . .

Many good points not the least of which is discharge of a fire arm in city limits. Will be looking into some pepper spray.

Life is good.

Prof Young
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