RPRCA Web Site Info


New member
If any of you have tried to use Google to access the RPRCA Web Site you will find that they have denied access with a warning about being harmful to your computer. It is Bull****. Every other search engine on the Internet that does not use Google to do their Browsing it is business as usual.

What is going on is that Google is trying to fulfill their boast of "cataloging and CONTROLING all the information in the world. As with the RPRCA Web they are trying to force their code into the HTML of all sites so their crawler can identify and categorize the information about every site on the Internet. Of course there is a Monthly Fee involved as well, “in order to gather information about users of your Site and make ‘suggestions’ on how to reorganized the Site ‘to better serve’ them”.

I started the RPRCA Web Site twenty years ago with three pages to test the waters for collector interest in the replica revolvers. I used Tripod.com because it was free and I could upload my FrontPage designed pages from my computer instead of it all being on Tripod. When I added a free membership I was overwhelmed with over one thousand applications in less than one year with around 20% being from overseas. Due to a computer failure plus some concern about government nosing around in any membership list dealing with firearms, I discontinued the membership altogether. The URL, http://rprca.tripod.com currently receives an average of between 1000-2000 hits a day. Even with taking Google and its cronies out of the picture it is receiving around 1500 hits a day.

Because of the problems with Google and the rapid changes that are occurring with the Internet I am considering changing my Host Server to GoDaddy and using the Domain rprca.org. It seems that some Chinese gambling house has stolen the Domain rprca.com. I tried to open their site but it is in Mandarin and will not translate unless you download the language onto your computer. “Well sure, I would like to download a language from Peoples Republic of China, No Malware or Virus danger there”.

Rest assured that there is no malware or virus on the RPRCA Web Site as verified by McAfee.

Nice to read your handle on a post on the forum.

I still have that Dragoon you sold me. Has an honored place on my bedroom wall.