roundball shooting question


New member
Just got a new '58 Remi in 36 after shooting the 44 a while. Was doing a novel thing and actually reading the book that came with it and found where it recommended always using a patch with round balls and referenced .350 balls with it. I have always used an oversize RB (.451)in the 44, making sure to shave off a ring when seating. Is that not how a 36 should be loaded? I also thought I read somewhere on here (and haven't found it searching yet) that patches should not be used in a wheel gun, only in single shot front stuffers.

Patches with roundballs in a revolver make no sense to me. The patch wouldn't stay with the ball past the forcing cone, at which point you'd have an undersized ball in the barrel, so the rifling would have no effect. What brand is that gun?
I've never heard of patching a ball in a precussion revolver.

Maybe using a patch as a wad between the ball and powder.

In my Ruger Old Army when I load a load that does not completely fill the cylinder cavity. I fill the balance up with Cream of Wheat. No I'm not joking. It works well for that purpose.

I'm sure you already know the importance of covering the tops of the loaded chambers with grease to prevent a chain fire.

I rarely shoot mine any more when I do I just fill the chambers all the way up with Pyrodex P, seat a ball on top,
grease the tops of all chambers, cap and fire.
The manual recommends balls that are .350" in a .36 pistol? Are you sure about this? If this is what the manual says, I recommend contacting the manufacturer to see if that is a typo

In my .36 Colt, I use .375". I'm looking at the box right now- it is labelled:

36 CAL .375"

When I ram home my ball, it leaves a ring of lead on the rammer. I recommend contacting the manufacturer and clarifying the ball size. Seems to me there's an error somewhere

Personally, I use a cut down .44 wad, just to make sure I have no gap between powder charge and ball. I use crisco on the top of each ball to prevent crossfire
I use crisco on the top of each ball to prevent crossfire

That's what I use as well it works great.

Instead of a wad I use Cream of Wheat to fill the balance of empty space in the chambers.

Then I'm cookin' with FFFg or Pyrodex P. :)
Cream o' Wheat, cornmeal, rancid farina (my favorite as I've got plenty of that stuff) works as a filler. No patches as we're not talking muzzle loading rifle here.
Well, it appears the book, written for Cabela's, it's a Pietta toy, is written generically for all front stuffers. I wasn't aware of many 36 single shot toys, so I guess I was reading with blinders on. Later on in the manual, it references .375 balls and conicals for cylinder guns. That's what I would have shot anyway. The patch comment was under they safety rules in the first pages of the book. Like I said, I was reading with blinders on I guess. My bad. I do shoot patched .445 balls in my single shot cap and ball pistol, and use .452 conicals.

Thanks everyone, but I think I shouldn't have taken this manual to the bathroom with me this time.

Have a goodun
I use Cream o' Wheat mainly because Buck Wheat named his daughter after it.:)

Actually I read it in a book by Sam Fadala 20+ years ago.

In my opinion no wad works as well or is as convenient to use as Cream o' Wheat and the other inert fillers 4V50 Gary mentioned.
Glad you've solved the issue okie. I have a Pietta myself, and I enjoy it. Some people feel they are not good pistols, and some do. Regardless of one's personal tastes, I would suggest treating no firearm as a toy