rough rifling at the muzzle?

old fart

New member
I just got a new Savage Axis, shot it and it groups good. But the last inch or so on one rifling is rough and collects copper. It is on the last inch or so before the bullet exits the barrel that one rifling is rough looking. Is there a way that it might smooth out on its own? I contacted Savage, they said I could send it in to be looked at and they may be able to get it smoothed out. Said as long as it shoots and grouped that they couldn't replace anything but might be able to get it looking better. Don't really know what to do, as it shoots good but that spot does bother me. thanks
Have you looked down the bore with a scope? The reason I ask is that I'd want to know for sure that is the only problem spot. If it is and it bothers you that much, I'd just cut off that inch and recrown. Your other option is a tight patch and some lapping compound.
I sent Savage the pic, they said it looked like after rifling was done and the finish applied, that the finish didn't blue that area for some reason. Said if I sent it in that they would bench shoot it, if it groups then They can't do anything. I already know it shoots good. Gonna take it out in a few days and shoot a box and see how my shots are. If they still good then I will probably try and keep it but having that spot in there drives me nuts. If the groups open up then it will go back to Savage.
I have had a lot of guns that do that. It has never been much of an issue for me. Use a good copper solvent to get all the copper out of the barrel. After dry patching, use a tight patch and some lapping compound. Might not fix the issue, but it should mitigate it some.
You might try some of those Tubb lapping bullets

I think he offers a kit with different grits. Rough to fine

Just a thought
