
Haw haw!

Now that's funny ... except there's always the possiblity that our elected officials might read it, like the idea and try to implement it.

As someone whose been trying to avoid breaking the lw for years (at least since my misspent youth), I don't see anything funny here. Just read thru it one step at a time, take 3 weeks to comply, throw up your hands and pay whatever they ask.

Is it supposed to be different?
even as "humor", this is tasteless. just goes to show , there's nothing they won't do to get your gun.
Hmmm. I find our various responses more interesting than the article.

I took it as an angry diatribe, written in frustration, against our government. As such, it seemed to me to be "Now what the heck are you danged feds gonna do next? Something like this?"

Somewhat in the same vein as Cornered Rat's sign-off about hand in your guns, get your free tattoo, etc. - similar to a Saturday Night Live skit.

Odd the way we take the same article so differently. Perhaps it shows how much we rely upon actually seeing and hearing the speaker, huh?

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 11, 1999).]
More often than not these days actually seeing and hearing the speaker only serves to piss me off more.

Too damn many Clintons, Renos, Feinsteins, Rosies, Dennis Millers, Bill Mahrs, et. al.

I'm begining to feeI like Burt Reynolds said in Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.

'I feel like a country dog in the city. If I stand still they try to screw me. If I run they bite me in the ass.'

I reckon we're all gettin' 'bout tired of it.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.

[This message has been edited by Gunslinger (edited July 11, 1999).]
One anti gun thing in the whole mess... Not too bad. Look at all the anti gun in other media forms...

I still read the Onion...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...

