Rossi ??


New member
Well after shooting my friends 38 rossi snub i think i will have to buy one.That thing was sweet and the groups i had a 7 yards were very cool also.This will be my first revolver and i just spent a crap load on some other guns so i would like to keep this as cheap as i can.I was wondering if rossi makes the cheapest 38 or 357 snub around i seen some on for 100.00 but i have never orderd a gun online before so what would be a good price to pay for one.

DV, I share your pain!

I bought a Rossi .357, 4", target sights at the Houston gun show yesterday for $190. All too many consider them next to a POS. All I know is the one I got seems tight, not too badly abused and is MUCH more accurate than I am

It is my considered opionion (BS ALERT) that we would both be better off with a used *&*, Colt or Ruger. I looked at them ALL yesterday and couldn't afford a singe one. Having said that: I wish you lots of luck and happy bargain hunting!

Be safe and god blgess ya!
Since I obviously...

...don't know any better, I trust my life to a Rossi 720 Covert in .44 Special every day. Being DAO, the DA pull is really outstanding, as good as most recent *&* snubbies I've seen and light years better than my last SP101.

The major downfall is that the bricklike rubber grips that came with it are hideous and too large and boxy for easy CCW. The solution was to experiment with old grips lying around the shop until we found ones that matched: J-frame square butt. Unfortunately, my only choices in J-frame square butt grips were some tacky fake plastic stag grips or the nastiest set of mother-of-plastic grips I'd ever laid eyes on. I went with the ersatz stag.

My 720 will hold its shots in the 10-ring with ease at 7-10 yards with Federal 200gr LSWC or Winchester Silvertips, and I seem to recall the 6" Rossi 971 in .357 I had a few years back was a solid, if somewhat unspectacular, performer. The new Rossis, manufactured under the aegis of the Taurus corporation, should continue the reputation of these reasonably priced, workmanlike wheelguns.
I just KNEW Tamara was gonna come in here

and box your ears.:D:o

The only Rossi I tried was their version of a M-63 Kit Gun in a 4" bbl. .22LR. It was a total POS that couldn't group 2" at the 7yd. line. But, I will admit that the acion was decent and the build quality 'appeared' to be there. That's why I took a chance on it in the first place.

The fact that they are now owned by Taurus does nothing to improve my confindence in the marquis.:rolleyes: When three out of the last four NIB Taurus revos I have looked at have had problems, that doesn't say much about their quality. Admittedly, they WILL make it right, but you shouldn't outta have to bother with a new gun.
There seem to be a lot of negative experiences with them and a lot of positive experiences. I don't think I would get one for a range gun, but I wouldn't hesitate to get a snubbie for cocealed carry.
The newer rossi revolvers seemto be pretty decent for the money,i've had no problems with any of the 2 that i've owned,my current apt gon is a 971,2 1/2 barrel 357,paid 150.00 NIB for it but i would stay away from any of the older rossi's made before the middle 90's
"...we found ones that matched: J-frame square butt." -- Tamara

Hmmm...just how good is the fit?

I've been looking for fancier grips and alternates from the J-frame/sq. butt bin would be a big help.

Did you have to modify yours so that you could trust carrying the 720 or did they work fine in stock configuration?
You should also consider the German made EAA Windicator in .357 mag.You can easily bring one in for $190.00 and they are quite good.;)
I have a mod.971 in 2.5". I have had it since they first came out I think in 94. Would have to look on my permit. Anyways before buying I tried smiths, colts,(pos) as I purchased a newer Detective Special SF VI or whatever it was called, and the Ruger. I thought the Ruger's were probably the better of all of them just didn't like the 5 shot rule. I thought Rossi was next. What did I do, purchased the Colt in .38sp. and regretted it. The thing would lock up when shooting. This is because a small spring in the frame just above the trigger would clock on me. Lock the gun up. Took it back and the gunshop let me swap it for the Rossi in ss. Have never once regretted it. This revolver is kind of heavy at around 28oz mt. I have round butt pachmeyer's on it so it conceals great, and with the wt. it isn't that punishing on full power loads which is what I have only fired through it. Haven't probably only less than 700 rds through it truth be told but it is still as tight as the day I bought it, no lead spitting, no looseness or cylinder slop, and without a doubt the finest SA trigger I have ever tried on any revolver. I am not smoking anything either. I liked it so much I bought the DAO in .44sp. Sold it to a friend who put some serious money into customizing it and putting it to DA mode with adjustable sights etc. Should never have sold it. Rossi was rated as an ISO company for quality. This just means that based on 1 million parts or guns or what have you they have less than .1% out of spec or bad parts. At least I think that is what it means. I don't know how the guns were before they went to CNC machining but the ones after were very good. Probably the best bang for the buck. Everyone makes a big deal out of pinned barrels etc. like on the old Smiths. Well my Rossi is pinned. The side plate is darn near seamless. You can't feel any ridges on it or anything. Don't care much for the front site as it is orange but I can live with it. The DA pull although kind of heavy but not any worse than any Smith etc. I have tried is still very smooth without any grittiness. I don't see any particular wear around the forcing cone nor gas cutting of the top strap. I put graphite on the top strap and have always done that with any rev. I have owned, so it is not something new to me. It is a bright polish ss done very well. Anyways just my 2cents for some one that has owned a couple of them and liked them both very much. I know alot of CAS guys and gals use the long rifles and are as pleased as punch with them. Keep'em sharp.
My wife stole my Rossi M88 before we were even married and carries it pert near 24/7. It was the only pistol I owned for a long time, and it got quite a work-out. I stopped counting after 5000 rds and that was 7 years ago. It's still as tight as it was when I bought it and with good ammo (it stays loaded with nyclads) it can still chase a pop can at 15 yds. Now if I can just find that 988 that is now #1 on my wish list.
The wide variation in opinion is not due to ignorance, it is due to the wide swings in Rossi quality control. At times, they have been the equal of Taurus (which has also had QC problems) and almost as good as S&W. At other times, they fully deserved the POS label.

If one knows something about revolvers and has a bit of time for a close examination, one can find an excellent revolver under the Rossi name. But purchase in a hurry, sight unseen or without experience is not recommended.

Rossi 357

I have the current short barrel Rossi 357 in stainless. At $259 plus tax for six shots I thought this was a great value. It was really made by Taurus and has their built-in hammer lock, which I like. I haven't fired this revolver a great deal, but my impression is that it is just about as good as any revolver made.
Definitely not a piece of junk.

Gee, I read one note that says the Rossi is garbage, and then I start to think maybe I should quit carrying and shooting mine.

But then again, I think of that oh so sweet trigger - totally stock.
I think of that little 5 shot .38 snub that will put all five rounds into a spot that could be covered by a quarter, from 15 yards.
I think about the many, many rounds that have been fired from this little POS, with never a failure of any kind.

I think of the price. I paid about half of what I would have for the comparable Smith or Colt or Ruger models that I was considering.

I have other handguns, all of them pretty good stuff from the big name manufacturers. When the nice man behind the counter recommended the little Rossi, I looked at him like he was nuts.
Now I am glad that I didn't fall into the "gunsnob" mindset.

I have owned mine for about 3 or 4 years, and have been quite pleased with it. This is an everyday carry gun, not a closet cutie.

I too have a Model 720, .44spl w/unfluted cylinder and exposed hammer. Bought it many years ago new for around $210. I quickly found it to be my most carried handgun. Very soooth action and excellent combat accuracy with CCI 200gr. Blazers. Though I usually carry my Glock Mod. 27 these days; if I decide I want to carry a revolver, it will most likely be the Rossi.