Rossi And IZH Coachguns Any Experience With These

Mike Weber

New member
:) I've been thinking about getting a side by side coach gun for cowboy action shooting. I was wondering if any of you folks has had any experience with these two brands? I'm looking for a rabbitear double for the sport.
Sure you want rabbit ears? They look period, but seems to me they'd slow you down.

I'm trying to find a Stoeger myself, but not having much luck.

- Aion

I had the chance to try one last summer, an Overland model. Very nice gun, with excellent finish and gorgeous furniture, looking almost too good for a $400 shotgun. This particular example was someone's pride and joy before my friend bought it..but I digress. I picked up the gun, loaded two Winchester slugs and shot one ragged hole at twenty-five yards. Broke the gun open, handed it back, peered at the target.. "It's acceptable."

Pure luck, of course. :D Five minutes later I was back to embarassing myself with a 7mm Mauser.
The Rabbit Ears arent a problem for me. I'm used to shooting sidelock muzzleloaders and I've got a muzzleloading double 10 gauge. Just lookin for a cartridge double barreled blunderbuss.
Mike, FWIW, I had a Rossi SxS in 12 Ga. Never used it in competition, but it worked well. Kicked though, I'd get another in 20 ga.

I'm moving this to the cowboy action forum.

I have the bounty hunter II, and got to use it in a match last month. I didn't get the external hammer model, though I thought about it.
I decided I was not coordinated enough to do it all.
You should be aware they are quite stiff to break open. I have only put about 50 rds through it, and it still is stiff. Now in competion with it I hardly notice. And it was nice because tilting it back dropped the rounds right out.
I think I only paid about 300 or so. There were some things that needed clean up inside when I took it apart. Oh and it has the automatic saftey when you break it open.
It has a really good pattern at about 10 yrds. Pretty much covers the torso, and hits about the same place with both barrels.
If you want, I can give you close up pics and the rough spots I found.
IZH Rough Spots

By rough spots do you mean internals that you were able to clean up and polish out? Was it the way that the internals were finished? I imagine that the gun will loosen up a bit with some more use. $300.00 sounds like a great price for a double. I wonder what the price differance is for the rabbitear gun?
Rossi all the way.

The current Russian/Chinese ear guns aren't anywhere near as nice.
I got real lucky,,,now make that REAL lucky a year ago and stumbled across a Rossi in 12 ga that was unfired for $300.00.

FWIW, I'd been looking for that gun (unfired *Rabbit Ear* under $500.00) for close to 10 years. In the meantime, I'd picked up a used (again unfired) Stoeger for $269.00. The Stoeger is a box lock (no ears) but at least it's a coach gun dang it!
No I mean there was gunk in some parts of the gun that I had to flush out. I don't remember the piece exactly, but some where on the barrel end is a chamber between the barrels that has a metal piece that can be pulled out. I had already put some cleaner through it, so I don't know what the stuff was originally, but it was paste when I pulled it out. It looked like it might be saw dust, but really fine consistency.
Also where the front sight goes through, there seems to be part of a weld stick still stuck there coming down between the barrels.
Also some of the wood was kind of rough where it wasn't visible. Like the piece that clips and holds the barrles to the stock. The underside of that piece of wood was not as nice as I expected.
As for the rabbit ears, they added 50 bucks to the price. And they are not true externals. They just cock the internal hammers. According to EAA's site.
RAE: Please let me know if you decide to get rid of the Stoeger -- I've been looking for their coachgun in either blue or the "Silverado" finish, but they're backordered bigtime.

Saw some discussion on the SASS wire about cheap finish jobs on the EAA Baikals -- blueing coming off during cleaning, wood finish running in the rain, etc... The Stoegers and Huglus got warm reviews, however.

- Aion
I've just purchased the IZH Bouty Hunter II (non-exposed hammer) 12 ga., also, and I've only put 10 rounds through it. I'm using the Winchester Low Noise/Low Recoil loads (they'll be fine for CAS) and the recoil is not bad (though I still can't hit any clays with it:) !). I agree with all Andrewh said about the stiffness, and I may have my gunsmith disconnet the "auto" safety when he taps the barrels for screw-in chokes. I do like the way it fits me, though. And for under $300 I figured it was a safe bet to get started in CAS.

Doug444 (alias "Lowgrade Orr")
Right now, I'm in a "hanging on to everything" mode. If it changes, I'll be sure to give you first shot at it.

WaS that a new Bounty Hunter II? I just bought one 2 weeks ago and it was already tapped for chokes, and it came with 3 chokes...I agree with how hard it is to break open. I think/hope that it will loosen up with use. I guess I'll just have to "dry open" it while watching TV. I found some rough spots on the stock as well, but a little steelwool will take care of that.

Redrum - yes it was a new one, but there are several versions, some that already HAVE screw-in chokes, but they're $60-$80 more (typically here), so I went "low cost" (what'd you expect from a guy called "Lowgrade"?:D ). I'm sure it'll work fine for the CAS work, and after it gets "broken in" I'll decide whether or not the chokes are worth the $$.

Doug444 (Lowgrade)
Just don't be me! Get yourself some cowboy lite loads before you go to the range.....Here is the result of 1/2 box of PMC Heavy Field Load, 12ga, 5 shot, 1.25 oz shot, 3.75 dram EQ. (I'm on blood thinning meds so it looks worse than it is. I bruise this bad just bumping into furniture!) Looks pretty though!


Well, it's getting a butt pad installed and I will get lite loads and this weekend i'm going to give it another try! It is alot of fun to shoot!
Mike, I have a bounty hunter II with the exposed hammers, for $299 new it was a great deal for my first CAS SXS. Mine was pretty stiff opening. I do like the fact it stay's open. I agree with Redrum recoil pad for sure, maybe send it out for an internal recoil reducer.

Well I had the recoil pad installed and I got myself a box of Lite loads and went to the range. It is a cream puff now! Went through 1/2 a box without getting any bruises at all. Now all I need is to get the damn thing to open up easier. I guess it's sessions in from of the TV for a while to loosen her up. If that doesn't work then I guess it is back to the gunsmith.

Try a little lube on the latch follower on the bottom part of the receiver. I shot mine this past weekend at a CAS shoot and talk about "slow me down"! (Of course, part of that might have been me fishin' the shells out of pockets since I don't have any shotgun loop on my belt - yet:) ). After I cleaned it after the match I really cleaned that area and put some lube directly n the follower and it DID make a difference. I still plan on severeal "TV sessions" myself, to get it nice and smoothe!

Doug444 (Lowgrade)