Rosie under fire!


New member
The cover story on Entertainment Tonight was about Rosie O'donnell catching mucho flack from all over Hollywood for ambushing Tom Selleck yesterday. Well known tinseltown liberials are blasting her saying she went too far. I would seem that it's against the rules for a talk show host to attack a guest and most of Hollywood is seriously PO'd at Rosie.
Howard Stern took his show to the front door of Rosie's studio and called her a hypocrite for attaking Tom while promoting K Mart, which sells guns and ammo. He didn't get in.

Entertainment Tonight is running a poll to see who the public thinks is right. Go to their website and vote!
Right now Tom Selleck is winning!
As of this post:

Poll Results for '"Guns and Rosie"':

Who do you side with?
Rosie O'Donnell 28%
Tom Selleck 55%
Howard Stern 13%
I don't care -- I just want to see 'Star
Wars!' 2%
Let's vote quickly and often. Current numbers as of 11:35 pm by my watch is:

Rosie - 30%
Tom - 54%
Howard - 13%
Star Wars - 2%

Disable those cookies, gang, and have at it.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
Hmmm ... I just plonked 50 votes for Selleck in there, and the results are:

Selleck 54%
Rosie 30%
Stern 12%
Star Wars 2%

What's happening here? (BTW, that doesn't add up to 100%, so their rounding program ain't too good)

Yeah, what Stephen said.
if was:
Tom 52%
Rosie 33%
Howard i don't remember
star wars 1%

fiat justitia
This poll's another setup. In the manner the questions were asked.

If we say that Rosie had is right to challenge Tom's politics, we loose.

If we say that Tom should not be asked questions other than about his movie, we loose.

If we vote for Howard, we avoid the real issue and loose.
Sorry Rich, I don't care about the questions, if the poll comes out in Rosie's favor it will be reported in huge caps on the front page of every letter in the country. If it comes out in Sellick's favor, no one will ever hear of it again...

So cast your (500) votes and enjoy.
I agree, any vote for Rosie will help our side. Actually, I heard the Howard Stern show and his attack on Rosie is right on target. Also, his opinion is that there is nothing wrong with guns, it's the messed up kids and the lack of parenting!

Go Howard!
What did Howard say?

It is rather funny - but Howard Stern can actually at time be a level headed and logical guy...

I wonder if Rush Limbo said anything about it.

Howard attacked rosie vehemently as a hippocrite. When he went (on-air) to her studio and was refused admission, the throngs of reporters asked, among other things, his stance on firearms ownership, he came out in favor of personal ownership.

Unfortunately, HS isn't the best pro-defense spokesman. On his show, he spoke of shooting guns; said he liked it; but basically dismissed it as a 'guy-thing', power trip. Also, he really panned Tom Selleck as sub-average IQ. IMHO, Selleck couldn't have done better if he was reading from a prepared script.

I faxed my reward poster to the Stern Show yesterday, but there was no follow up. I *really* want a piece of Rosie's "history".