Rosie rears her ugly head again


Moderator Emeritus


The balcony was two-thirds empty during the "Broadway for Hillary" show at
the Ford Center for the Performing Arts in Manhattan on Monday night, but
supporters who did pay from $250 to $1,000 to attend First Lady Hillary
Rodham Clinton's birthday celebration were treated to a series of uplifting
speeches from assorted media stars.

President Clinton warmed the partygoers:

"What I want to say to you tonight in bringing Hillary on is this: in my
lifetime, we have never had the chance, as a nation, we have today...

"All we have to overcome is the politics of pettiness and personal
destruction," President Clinton advised.

Indeed, love was in the air during Hillary's birthday celebration.

"We're gonna kick Rudy's ass!" actor Alec Baldwin told the crowd.

Broadway star James Naughton, in introducing the first lady, said the
Republicans stand for "more guns, back alley abortions and isolationism."

MC Rosie O'Donnell, Queen of Nice, said of Mrs. Clinton's opponent, NYC
Mayor Giuliani: "Should he lose, he's gonna tour as John [Elephant Man]
Merrick in Elephant Dung."

"I wish the Mayor luck. That was luck, with an L [Wink Wink]!" O'Donnell

O'Donnell on Giuliani's physical appearance: "If you pull his head back, a
Pez will pop out."

O'Donnell said the mayor is currently working on a book: "It Takes a
Village Idiot."

With "the politics of pettiness and personal destruction" nowhere to be
found, the president and first lady laughed and applauded throughout the

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
It was on Saturday, a beautiful day....

The migrating geese were flying South, in perfect battle formation, as a pleasant breeze was heralding the incoming season. The Sun, Apollo in his gilded chariot boldly riding in the early East skies, honouring his sister goddess Diana, the Huntress.....

What better day for me to go potting gongs with my gorgeous, recently re-sighted single-shot, falling-block .416 Rigby rifle?

A quick stop at K-mart, for targets. I spot an annoyngly realistic doll in the likeness of Rosie. Kshink!... ($$$$) sold!!!!!

She came with me to the range...... :)

My handloads were awesome. It is unbelievable what a handful of nice 400gr Hornady solids can do for the nerves.....and to celluloid!

Oh, and the gong was fun too. ;)

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.

If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.
Alec Baldwin absolutely disgusts me.

And, Drudge has caught this mood soooo perfectly. Really ... we must all reread '1984' again. This is so 'new-speak', isn't it?

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited October 27, 1999).]
Rosie is possessed by evil spirits. Perhaps a stake through her heart will drive them away.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
After you stake the heart, you must cut off the head and remove the tongue, filling the orifice with cloves of garlic.

Dose with generous doses of kerosene and holy water... Burn to a crisp and scatter the ashes over the stump of the last liberty tree.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Well said. Honestly, that was very well written. I could see the geese and feel the warm sun on my back as I thought of my own drizzley experience on Saturday morning.

Keep talking Rosie, we need more MissD's.

CCW for Ohio action site.
This is a good time to broach the subject of Box Office Movies, Video Rentals and Premium TV channels. If you spend money on any of the above mentioned forms of entertainment, you are paying people to take away your gun rights. "Oh but Will, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN was such a meaningful theatrical event." Yeah and you were paying $11.00 to further the causes of a socialist who is a major contributor to both clinton and hci. If you're dead set on a meaningful WWII experience, go spend some time in a Nursing Home with a WWII vet who has been forgotten by his or her family or take a WWII vet out to lunch that is fortunate enough to be mobile! Alec Baldwin, what a hypocritical scumbag. He's against handguns but in almost every movie, He's got a SS Colt 1911 not to mention the fact that he can afford bodygaurds for his personal safety. Finally, there's the "gentle,loving" nature of the Democrats. The Republicans are mean-spirited for trying to get us to spend within our means but it's okay for the Democrats to employ the use of cruel character assassinations. Don't get me started!!!!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."

You wouldn't want to do that in Massachusetts where the new law (Chapter 180) prohibits the use of anything that resembles a human as a target unless, of course, you are in authority.

Check out this POS at:

Also check out our local pro-gun group Gun Owners Action League at:

for a full analysis of this turkey and why I won't be here too much longer, hopefully.

<i>"A violation of a restriction imposed by the licensing authority under the provisions of this paragraph shall be cause for suspension or revocation and shall, unless otherwise provided, be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000; provided, however, that the provisions of section 10 of chapter 269 shall not apply to such violation.

"Such club shall not permit shooting at targets that depict human figures, human effigies, human silhouettes or any human images thereof, except by public safety personnel performing in line with their official duties."</i>
Will Beararms,
Right on the head, Buddy! I despise the Hollywood establishment (now, there's a true "establishment" for ya!). I make it a point to never rent, ppv or even go to the theater and see the mindless, valueless, destructive, empty, new-age garbage these people who have way more money than sense put out.

And I couldn't agree with you more on what you said about the veterans. Once a month, I do some charity work for an old folks' home and sometimes I run across someone who has served in WWII.... Awesome people, REAL people, with lots to say, and the right way to say it.



What does that law have to do with Rosie? The law says "human" figure or effige; all I did is put Rosie on the wrong end of 5,000 ft/lbs of muzzle energy.
Are you implying that Rosie is human? ;) Shame on you!!

By the way, get out of the Demokratikrepublik of Massachussets and enjoy the Real America!!! Hey, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont (3 of my favorite states) are just a stone-throw from MASS.

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.

If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.
Great idea, 416Rigby! I have a picture of Rosie as well as other "undesirables" that I routinely use as targets in my computer shooting game. :)
Rosie should talk about Giuliani having a pez pop out of his mouth when the damn woman is like a human Pinata. One wack on the bitch with a stick and M&M candies fly out of her mouth by the thousands.

I found it amazing the few times I watched her show how she watched each actor and actresses movies and didn't miss a one, how she attended all the concerts of all of the singers who came on her show. Rosie must have permanent chair marks from sitting on her ass so much and that is why it is also so wide. Hers is a permanent spread from sitting down all of her life. After filling her mind with television show after television show, her mind is now gone and she has become a liberal stepford wife chanting on how guns should be banned.

Now the only thing Rosie is good for is for having her picture on targets.
Come on, Donna, tell us how you REALLY feel. You aren't by any chance related to the poster formerly know as 'Kodiac', your rant is of similar quality and vitrol(and I say that with affection and respect). Rosie really is the lowest form of petit demagog and hypocrite. I can't decide whether I detest her more for her base stupidity and anti-gun pandering or the way she acquired her kids as 'lifestyle accessories'. Either way, her only social value is as an emitic or laxative.