Rosie O'Donnell: Giuliani Out of Control


New member
O'Donnell: Giuliani Out of Control

AP Television Writer

NEW YORK (AP) — Forget Hillary Rodham Clinton. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's toughest opponent may now be
Rosie O'Donnell.

The so-called Queen of Nice berated Giuliani on her talk show Tuesday for his administration's policies on the
homeless, calling him ``out of control'' and urging viewers to call him and complain.

O'Donnell said she was willing to get arrested to protest the policies, as some New York City residents have done
in rallies this week. In October, the talk show host emceed a campaign fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton, Giuliani's
likely opponent in a race for the U.S. Senate next year.

``He thinks he, like, runs the world,'' O'Donnell said. ``Newsflash, Rudy — it's not good to arrest the homeless

The Republican mayor, in a later public appearance, dismissed the
remarks as a partisan attack.

A new Giuliani-backed policy, slated to take effect later this month,
would require homeless people to work for shelter. Parents who refuse
would be at risk of having their children placed in foster care.

A police crackdown on the homeless ensued after a woman was assaulted by a brick-wielding man
on a Manhattan street early last month. Authorities have been rounding homeless off the streets
and into shelters; those who have refused to go have been subject to arrest.

O'Donnell's attack came after she told viewers that actor Woody Harrelson would be a guest.

``I hope he doesn't take a nap while he's out there because Mayor Giuliani would have him
arrested,'' she said.

Without mentioning that the policy would apply to people who refused to work, O'Donnell told viewers that Giuliani wanted to take children
away from homeless people.

``Is that the most startling thing you've ever heard? In America, in 1999?'' she said. ``It's unbelievable. ... He's out of control, this guy.''

She credited Giuliani, however, for cleaning up New York and making it better.

Her show flashed Giuliani's office phone and fax numbers on the screen and urged viewers to contact him if they disagreed with the policies.

``He's running for Senate, you know,'' she said. ``Big surprise. This is the way to get those voters. Sure, just, you know, arrest all the
homeless people.''

Giuliani, at a news conference, said the remarks were a carryover of her campaign appearance for Mrs. Clinton.

``I remember her remarks at the fund-raiser, and she's obviously a very, very strong partisan, and I think she's probably carrying over her
politics in her show,'' the mayor said.

During the Clinton fund-raiser in October, O'Donnell mocked Giuliani's slim build, saying he looked like ``a human Pez dispenser.'' The
Giuliani campaign privately complained about the personal nature of the remark.

The producer and distributor of O'Donnell's talk show said Tuesday they have no problem with O'Donnell speaking her mind on political

``People are not just looking at her for adoration of celebrities,'' said Jim Paratore, president of Telepictures Productions. ``They want to
know what she says and what she thinks.''

O'Donnell has used her show to go on the political attack before, arguing with actor Tom Selleck over gun policy and the National Rifle
Association. She was near tears on Monday as she talked about the Oklahoma middle school shooting.
For some reason, pots and kettles come to mind...

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
To paraphrase coinneach,

How do some people make it through the day with so little idea of what reality is like?

Oh, I forget, Rosie and her Hollywood ilk live in neighborhoods where the homeless can't make it 50 ft without being escorted by Private Security to some other place.

How convenient for her.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
"...Telepictures Productions." Hmm. Do they market anything we can boycott? Or must we go after their sponsors?
``He thinks he, like, runs the world,'' O'Donnell said. ``Newsflash, Rudy — it's not good to arrest the homeless people.''

Such erudition, no wonder we haven't a chance.
I got this from a forward. Looks like Rosie's policies are backlashing against her.

1) homeless people are coming knocking on HER door.

2) She is now homeless temporarily

3) Since she has no guns (?) she cannot defend her family and people are climbing her fences and being threatening on her property. I guess she has security to protect her, but I wonder if she is feeling a little defenseless right about now (that is, unless she really does own a gun, which would not surprise me).

Tuesday December 14, 11:42 PM

Trespassers Drive Homeless Booster Rosie
O'Donnell from Mansion

Last week she was everywhere - TV, radio, quoted daily in the
newspapers - excoriating New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for his
insensitivity toward the homeless. But for the last few days
Rosie O'Donnell has kept her lips zipped on the subject.

Could it be because the TV chat host suddenly understands what
it's like to have one's personal security put at risk by the
unwanted intrusion of unruly strangers?

Only the New York Post noticed a report in Rosie's hometown
paper, the Journal News of White Plains, about the "Queen of
Nice" fleeing her digs recently due to "security concerns."

It seems that strangers had taken to wandering onto the grounds
of Rosie's "Pretty Penny" mansion. They'd climb her security
wall, ring her doorbell incessantly and generally act in a
manner Ms. O'Donnell found threatening. Now perhaps Rosie knows
how average folk feel when the usually inebriated, often hostile
and sometimes violent individuals she's been championing lately
accost them.

Rather than interact with the no doubt interesting characters
who had invaded her space, O'Donnell seems to have come down
with a bad case of "Not-In-My-Back-Yard." And since some of
these happy wanderers were already in her backyard, it was she
who headed for the tall grass.

Though her mansion could have undoubtedly made a wonderful
getaway for countless homeless city-dwellers, O'Donnell has made
other plans. The cherubic chatterbox has put the place on the
market for a cool $2.75 million, nearly triple her initial

Does this mean TV's number one homeless advocate is now homeless
herself? Not on your life. Until she can snap up another country
place up north, Rosie and her son Parker will shuttle between
pads in Manhattan and Florida.
Ay, poetic justice indeed.

(snicker, chortle, guffaw...)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
What really sucks about her is this: By spouting on her show her active political beliefs with the cooperative consent of her sponsors(especially giving out the mayors Phone#) she is engaged in "soft money" political messages. Now I disagree with her "fuzz bunny" brain, but I do not want any further dumb regulations on political speech in the form of "campaign finance reform" to use this as an example.
well, there is a rumor that a reporter dressed up like a homeless person & camped out on Rosie's front step. Supposedly Rosie called the police!

Argh! Another thrice-bedamned Yankee, unable to stand the soiled nest of her own creation, flees south to take root and espouse pontifically the greatness of the land the foul wretch herself so recently departed! Alas!
I know the celeb-line is something like "There is no bad publicity", but I can't help wonder if she won't self-destruct, carrying on this way. I wonder if, at some point, her sponsors will flee this loose cannon and make her producers have second thoughts.

K-Mart is probably thinking "Thank G-d we dumped that looney".

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
Hillary and Rosie Talk Cookies, Not Politics
7.55 p.m. ET (0055 GMT) December 16, 1999
By Beth J. Harpaz

NEW YORK — Hillary Rodham Clinton taped an appearance
on Rosie O'Donnell's talk show Thursday, but she said they chatted about
Christmas cookies — not politics.

John Dunn/AP

Rosie O'Donnell, at a WNBA game, emceed a $1 million
fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton's likely Senate campaign

"I brought some of the cookies that we're passing out at the White House — gingerbread
cookies in the shape of all different kinds of Christmas decorations," said Mrs. Clinton as she
emerged from NBC's studios at Rockefeller Center, where the show is taped. One cookie was
shaped like the White House.

The segment is scheduled to air Dec. 23.

Asked if she and O'Donnell had talked about politics, Mrs. Clinton said: "No. Not at all. We
talked about Christmas."

O'Donnell is a friend and political supporter of the first lady, who has appeared on the show
three times already. In October, she emceed a $1 million fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton's
Senate campaign. Last week, O'Donnell criticized Mrs. Clinton's likely Republican opponent
in the race, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, for his administration's policies on the homeless, saying
he was "out of control."

One of Giuliani's defenders, Republican City Councilman Thomas Ognibene, later
complained that O'Donnell is "a shill" for Mrs. Clinton.

Mrs. Clinton brought her mother, Dorothy Rodham, along to see the show and do a little
shopping in the city. O'Donnell had Mrs. Rodham join Mrs. Clinton on stage.

The subject of baking cookies is a sensitive one for the first lady.

When President Clinton was campaigning for the presidency in 1992, she defended the fact
that she had pursued a career as a lawyer — rather than devoting herself full time to being
Arkansas' first lady — by saying: "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies."
seems to me that 2.75 mil from the sale of her house could go a long way to getting the homeless off the streets ...think it will happen?
I wonder if she has any bodygaurds hired? can you imagine her job interview? "Do you carry any guns?, bcuz i dont like em! "So mrs odonnel, just how am i supposed to protect you again?"

And isnt it just a little ironic that Hillary gets followed around by secret servicemen WHO ARE ARMED TO THE TEETH,hangs out with rosie? I wonder if she made em check their guns at the door?
And what gives her the right to speak about someones looks? Does she think she is a beauty queen ? Looks to me like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. I bet when she isnt wearin all 10 pounds of makeup, shes just as ugly as I am, an beleive me, that aint purty!
I bet if anyone made a public statement about her looks, she'd be phoning her lawyer before the show was over.
just my .02-----Cuz
btw, I hope, if even for a second, that she was scared as hell when those people came to her house. Id have loved to have been there, when she was running around wondering how she was going to defend herself.
A reporter for the New York Times by the name of Tim Delaney dressed as a homeless man
and parked himself in front of Rosies home.
Lo and behold this lover of the homeless called the Orangetown Police who were going to arrest the good reporter. The FAT lady said she called because she did not know if the homeless man was a danger or not.
Helloo!!!! Ms O'Blubber has no problem with possible psychos parking themselves in front of your door. As with most bleeding heart liberals it's do as I say and not as I do.
'Nuff said!
Rosie is a good women with a big heart. She has her beliefs just like we do. She does a lot of nice things for kids. She has adopted kids. But we must remember she is a woman. Woman as a whole have never been pro gun. Men have always been. Her attack of Tom Selleck was uncalled for. I was shocked to see her do that. People will always have opinions we don't agree with but that is one of the best things about America. The freedom to express your opinion without fear of retaliation. In the upcoming years our rights which our forefathers fought for will begin to disappear. The moment that the Federal and State government sue the gun manufactures and win that will signal the end to American Demoncracy we all know. Once our right not the government right to keep and bear arm is taken away from us the other 9 rights will soon follow.
I know many good women. Ms O'Donnel is not one. She is neither intelligent nor thoughtful. She is a political tool at the disposal of her rulers ready to spout the latest party line. She accomplishes nothing in her self serving collective machine that is not won by thousands of selfless anonymous individuals daily. Ignore her.