Rosie Message Boards


New member
Rosie has a Message Board forum. All pro-gun posts are getting hammered by Fat Fredom-hating Housewives(Please don't crucify me but I had to do it.). The Fredom-lovers need some help over there.

I just registered but haven't had to post yet, the server must be congested.

They have TFL type software so, we all know how to use it.

Here is the link its under message boards.
Here is my favorite(not) post:

I really think that Tom Selleck acted like a spoiled BRAT today on the Rosie show. He needs to learn how to deal with others if they do NOT agree with him. Tom made it clear that he is a Member of the NRA; and clearly a Spokesperson for the NRA. Rosie had every right to ask Tom questions. The problem was that Tom did Not give a straight answer. He Really blew up today. Perhaps Tom could benefit from some professional help and gain some Anger management techniques. I really agree with Rosie. So many other celebrities speak out ( Such as Tom taking out NRA ads) so why can't Rosie speak out too? GUNS KILL and Gun laws are needed!! Guns are too accessable to children. Lets take GUns out of the hands of our CHILDREN !!!!!!!
I hate to have a thread all to myself, but a pro-gunner responded to the above post with this short site that deserves to be checked out:
That crap makes me want to vomit...

Happiness is: (fill in some trivial nonsense)

Me: Happiness is a warm FAL

I wonder if they'll figure it out.

Apparently I (all of us?) was registered when we got our free Rosie web pages.

I had to make a few posts to stir things up a bit. No doubt I'll catch flak for my UserName. Anyway, good fun to pee in their sickly sweet punch.

[This message has been edited by Destructo6 (edited May 21, 1999).]
Just got my password, using snoman45, see ya there...


[This message has been edited by snoman (edited May 21, 1999).]