Rosie is fired from KMart....again (?)

Red Bull

New member
I don't know what is going on here, but KMart said they fired the mindless fool Rosie months ago. Then there are these KMart ads with her in them again. Now they fired her again?
Maybe they fired her, on the premise that she do a couple more ads, and do she did them and now is claiming she quit?

She said before on record that she supports KMart gun sales because they sell gun locks, and "only sell hunting guns". She claimed is "not against people owning guns, she just wants some gun control to keep guns out of childrens' hands and and criminals and also she wants to to outlaw certain guns that are not used for hunting blah blah blah". You know, the usual public drivel about how "we don't want to take away your guns, just pass come common-sense gun control", when they really just want to get rid of all the guns, period, but they don't want to say that in public.

So, either way she is waffling on the issue, now claiming that she does not like KMart selling any guns. Something smells fishy. I think that the money was good, so the greedy sell-out was supporting KMart, and once the tide turned agiainst her, then suddenly she is going to make a "moral stand" and quit. Just doesn't add up.

Rosie Sticks to Her Guns By Unloading Kmart Gig

Rosie O'Donnell is out as Kmart's top pitchwoman.

The daytime talk host is walking away from her starring role with the
company over her stance on guns.

A vociferous gun-control advocate, O'Donnell said yesterday that she
thought her future efforts on the hot-button issue would make it difficult
for her to continue hyping the gun-selling retail giant.

"It's only fair to Kmart that I stop doing commercials," she said.

"Rosie intends to be proactive in her gun control efforts . . ." added Lois
Smith, her spokesperson. "It was important for her to take herself out of
commercials so neither she nor Kmart would be further criticized."

But Kmart insiders told us yesterday that the company gave O'Donnell her
walking papers because it had grown tired of the negative publicity her gun
stance was bringing them.

O'Donnell and Kmart deny the charges and emphasize that they have not
severed ties. Rosie will appear in two final holiday commercials and Kmart
will continue to support her For All Kids Foundation, the company said.

"I've thoroughly enjoyed my relationship with Kmart, and I am extremely
pleased with the amount of money we raised together," Rosie added. "I will
continue to be involved with Kmart's philanthropic activities."

"On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero"
- Jack, Fight Club
It looks like someone started this thread on the General forum. I should have posted this on that thread. Lo Siento.
Article in Twin Falls, Idaho paper:

Sweatin' with Rosie ... Four Mini-Cassia women go on national TV with 'Chub Club' Olympics
By Steve Crump
Times-News writer

RUPERT -- Understand that Holly Goodman is a big fan of Rosie O'Donnell, and only a moderate fan of workouts.

But when the chubby actress announced 11 months ago that she was forming a nationwide club to help viewers of her daytime talk show to lead healthier lifestyles, Goodman figured that organizing a local ''Chub Club'' chapter wasn't a bad idea.

''I asked my mom, my sister and my friend, Angela, if they'd be interested, and they said, 'Why not?''' said Goodman, 27. ''So we called ourselves the Couch Potatoes -- you know, because we're from Idaho.''

Then Rosie sweetened the deal.

She announced that she'd bring Chub Clubs from all over the country to New York City in November for ''The Rosie O'Games.'' Goodman got the news three days before Halloween that the Couch Potatoes would be Idaho's representatives.

So along with 177 other Chub Clubbers from throughout the country, Goodman, her friend, Angela Tallant, 28; Holly's mom Patricia Knoblauch, 48; and Holly's younger sister Sarah, 18, flew to the Big Apple for the taping the ''The Rosie O'Games'' on Nov. 4.

''They treated us so well,'' Patricia Knoblauch said. ''They even had a stretch limo to carry us around. Instead of acting casually, like this was something that happened to us all the time, we got all excited and took pictures of each other.''

What actually happens on ''The Rosie O'Games,'' which will air on Dec. 1, is a closely held secret.

''I can't talk about the show,'' Patricia said.

''All I can say is that all of those Chub Clubs were in the studio for the taping,'' Goodman said. ''I have no idea whether we'll even appear in the version that goes on the air.''

The Chub Club is not exactly the Marine Corps: O'Donnell sends out a newsletter with exercise and fitness tips for members.

''The first goal for Chub Club members was to participate in a 5K walk or run in the spring of 1999,'' said Beth Goldman, a publicist for O'Donnell. ''The newsletter is a monthly publication with recipes, stories and encouraging tips from other members.''

''The idea is to keep each other motivated,'' said Goodman, who added that she'd lost 25 pounds after her baby was born.

''I'd work out anyway,'' Patricia said. ''But it's good to have somebody else to work out with.''

Although O'Donnell wined and dined them in New York, the Couch Potatoes insist they didn't do lasting damage to their fitness regimen.

''I didn't think I'd like New York,'' Patricia said. ''I was wrong. We went to Broadway and the Statue of Liberty and saw the runners practicing for the New York Marathon. It was great fun.''

Meanwhile, the Couch Potatoes have resumed their workouts -- and are waiting to see whether they're among the faces who will appear in the ''Rosie O' Games.''

''She's such a friendly, genuine person,'' Goodman said of O'Donnell. ''She didn't act like a celebrity at all.''

But did Rosie join in the games?

''Can't tell you that,'' Goodman said. ''Watch the show.''

Too bad mental exercises aren't part of her workout plan. Clearly that area needs the greatest improvement. And an Immodium/Pepto cocktail for her anal-cranial diversion (diarrhea of the mouth, constipation of the mind.)

- - - Don
To the best of my knowledge, K-Mart never fired, or threatened to fire, Rosie. They said that they were not in agreement with her philosophy but they did not believe they had any right to attempt to stifle it either.