Rosie Feeling the Heat

David Schmidbauer

Retired Screen Name
This from Frau Schmit when I arrived home from work. Seems she tuned into Ms O'Donnells show today just to see what was happening. Ms O'Donnell made the following comments... (while sitting behind her desk, fake typing) "I KNOW I can't infringe on your Constitutional Rights and the Second Amendment." (single exaggerated hand movement) "Send". (fake typing again) "It is only a little lock that takes 8 seconds to remove."(single movement) "Send". (typing) "I really don't care what you think! (single movement) "Send".

<ONLY 8 seconds? Do we now need to add this to the par time for a standard response?>

OK this tells me that Ms O'Donnell is feeling some heat. One - she is acknowledging that the e-mails she has been receiving is causing someone to take notice. Two - Because of this she has shifted from "if you do own a gun I think you should go to prison! to being specific in regard to only wanting Trigger Locks (back peddling (?) trying to take the focus off of her original statements).

WE NEED TO KEEP UP THE OFFENSIVE!!! More e-mails to both her and her employer (K-Mart). I, for one, require NOTHING short of a ON AIR PUBLIC APOLOGY to all firearms owners during her show. Preferable toward the end of the show so that announcements can be made throughout that "Rosie has a important message at the end of the show... stay tuned".

Ms O'Donnel also said that Tom Sellick is going to be on tomorrows show (I've requested Frau Schmit to record this as it should be interesting) and that "I love Tom and he is a member of the NRA. And I'm going to ask him how he feels about simple trigger locks". Those available at the time of her show in your area I suggest you watch so we can get an overall (difference opinions) take on this.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"