Rosie deleting pro-gun sites?

Flo, the member on the Rosie site that I've been "talking with" on the thread I stated there said the modirators have shut down the entire site in the past and may again. It would be a shame for all of the TFL members to loose their sites there but at least it would get Rosies site off the net. At least temporarially. To me that would be at least a symbolic victory for us.

In this age of litigation would we not bring a discrimination suit against Rosie if "our" pages get deleted?

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
If not a discrimination issue, why not press the issue as violation of our civil rights?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

I doubt it, it is a private site. As such you have not right to free speech there. I am not really sure how the violation of civil rights apply to a non government entity, at least on the federal level. The US constitution is only supposed to apply between the government and the citizens [it has also been imposed on state governments and its citizens]. However it does not [from my limited understanding] apply between two citizens. State laws and state constituional provisons however may have something to say about civil rights.

Jason Kitta
Yea, after thinking about it, I came to the same conclusion. Such is the pity. Of course, on a merely nuisance basis, might be fun, but then there's the threat of having to cover defendant costs. Grrr. :(
The best thing to do, if anything, is to store your Rosie web pages on your hard drive so if she opens up again you can just repost them. Other than that you are just spinning your wheels, the net is still a pretty lawless land so it takes money to set precidence on issues like this..... The last statement I got from the bank indicated that Warner Bros. has more money and lawyers than I! :)
John, I just went back to my site
and did a little tweaking. Got in and out fine let's see if it took.
Hank Yep it did, keep on playing.

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited April 30, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited April 30, 1999).]
Some times a site doesnt pull up well with IE - or Netscape - Use both... Try it with each...

This is the Offical Answer from my company... Cisco... We know - she uses our Hardware!

Plan B. Set up an alternate site. Downside - $$$

Kodiac, can you check with the powers that be (i.e. Network Associates? those who register domain names) if domain names like,, or other creative variations have been registered?

OTOH, I have always been a believer in getting mad and getting even. Tho the money probably better spent on FOUP, but sometimes little acts of defiance can be satisfying. M2
I empathize, but let's all agree that is a much better idea than, OK? I just got done telling someone that law-abiding gun owners aren't bloodthirsty and don't seek revenge . . . .
Go back to the top of the Legal and Political Forum. I think we are getting some new members here!
Hank and Good Shooting!
I think we probly signed away our rights inthe agreement when we registered (I never read it...). Either way, the victory would be that the message is sent.

If there are any of you who are actually using those sites for any reason than to send a message to Rosie, I sugges setting up the similar site at one of the less judgemental areas that offer free webspze.

In that past I have had sites at Tripod, Geocities and other Providers which allow users to post sites with any content, provided that they give up a little advertising space. It is a fair deal.

Another thought might be- if she deletes the site then put up a site ranting (on profanity) about how Rosie will not allow a desenting view. How she thinks she is the all seeing all knowing and has no respect for her viewers opinion if they do not agree 100% with her view. sort of the same thoughts Hitler had in 1937 ect. ect.

BTW if my memory serves me correctly the 1st Amendment only applies to Congress passing laws infringing on the rights.

[This message has been edited by John (edited May 05, 1999).]
Rob, I checked the sites a while ago and they are up and running. While I would't put much time or any money into a "free" web site this one seems to be playing out very well. We do have some new members from over that way! Most seem to be very interested in gun saftey and The Constitution Of The United States Of America! Perhaps we will bring a few over to the common sense side of things!
Good Shooting, Hank
In USC. Tiltle 18, sec241 ... Consipiracy against Rights.... " If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate in any person the free excercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege ....."

I think that a concerted effort to prevent a viewpoint , while promulgating an opposing viewpoint could be construed as oppressive or intimidating... don't you?

This law says little about government specifically , but applies to them as well.

Conviction includes imprisonment and fines.

This is a powerful tool that we need to haul out of the cellar and use against the anti's.

Seek nothing less than full enforcement of the Bill of Rights !!!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Just received the following e-mail...

Hello Schmit,
I was reviewing your Rosie Homepage,as do I and the other Community Leaders
do , and I fell upon your site thanking Rosie for the webspace. May I tell
you, that Rosie does not supply the webspace, Warner Bros(whom I work for),
and supply it for you, I would just like to let you know

Other then that your page can remain on the ACMEcity-Rosie Server, for it
does comply with the Terms of Service( Have a Nice
Rosie O'Donnell Community Leader

It looks like a review is in process (now after the storm has died down) and, at least Rob has an open mind.

Anyone else get a like e-mail? Anyone being told their site will be pulled?

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"