Ron Paul to Make Major Announcement Next Week

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Do you think Dr. Paul will announce his candidacy as a Third Party Candidate?



Dr. Paul just authorized me to send this press release to the national wire. Stay tuned!

September 5, 2008

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – On the heels of his historic three-day rally in Minneapolis that drew over 12,000 attendees, Congressman Ron Paul will make a major announcement next week in Washington at the National Press Club.

More details will be announced Monday.
He stated at the beginning of his campaign that he would not run on a third party ticket. I won't hold him to that.

It would be wonderful if he realized that the Republican party is as unsalvageable as the Democratic party is, and that both are responsible for the deplorable state that this nation is in.

I would vote for him with little or no reservation.
No, I do not believe Dr. Paul will run as a third party candidate. The democrats and republicans have put up barriers to third party candidates and it takes a lot of effort and money to get on the ballots of the various states unless you are a democrat or republican. However, I am intrigued as to what his announcement will be.
I am just going to throw a dart and see where it lands...

Maybe he's going to announce the formation of a new third party!
It's too late for Dr. Paul to announce himself as a candidate. Most state deadlines for candidate submission have come and gone. It is highly unlikely that he will endorse any of the crop of candidates who are currently running.

That's two possibilities down...
He stated at the beginning of his campaign that he would not run on a third party ticket. I won't hold him to that.

I see. So when a politician breaks his word that makes him evil, but when Paul does it is fine.

Sorry, but if Paul runs third party the only difference that separates him from other dishonest ones is that he's been so unsuccessful.
Stage 2
I see. So when a politician breaks his word that makes him evil, but when Paul does it is fine.

Sorry, but if Paul runs third party the only difference that separates him from other dishonest ones is that he's been so unsuccessful.

Yeah, how horrible it would be for a candidate to say "I won't run" and then turn around and "run". What a rotten scoundrel that would make him. :rolleyes:
He could run as VP and not break his word. Like I said earlier, he needs to say why he changed his mind though if he does decide on a 3rd party ticket. He had better have a good reason if he does change his mind. It had better be clear. His credibility thus far has not suffered as that of other politicians. If he changes his mind, he should be honest and say he changed his mind. At least that is more respectable than a smoke screen.

only difference that separates him from other dishonest ones is that he's been so unsuccessful.

I really don't see Dr. Paul being dishonest. Secondly, in my opinion, he has been very successful...unfortunately, the elitist controlled media has clandestinely swept many of his and his supporters' successes under the proverbial rug.
Stage 2,

As a rule I believe in being honest and truthful. I especially advocate holding a politician to his or her word when it comes to matters of personal freedom and liberty. This is not one of those cases. Nobody would be harmed if Dr. Paul were to run with another party.

It was a promise made that, in the view of many, could be more harmful that beneficial. Nothing wrong with breaking your word if keeping it does more harm than good
If he announces a third party run today, he should be able to achieve ballot status in enough states for a theoretical electoral majority in about 6 months, if everyone works very hard.

Such a silly idea. People obviously know nothing about how the duopoly has made ballot access difficult to impossible for anyone but major party candidates, while making it automatic for the major party duopoly.
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