Ron Paul the anti-moderate.


New member
Ron Paul the anti-moderate.
In the last 8-10 years, moderates in the GOP are killing the platform and like a virus, killing the party.
If the current GOP thinks that moving more moderate will win more elections and that this is the answer than you will see a continuation of what is happening now: splitting the base, out right ignoring the platform and turning the party into basically a war party that spends more than the dems.

I first noticed a change in the party when Sean Hannity, and others, told everyone to vote for Arnold instead of backing Tom McClintock for the California Gov race. This was the first time (for me) that I noticed all of a sudden principle took a big backseat to fame. And big surprise, Arnold is a RINO. All the while the party was fully aware of this.
In 2004 with the reelection of Bush, (back when he did have political capital) he went more moderate thinking that this is how you please a nation that was/is so divided on the election.

McCain IS the poster-boy of RINO's. He is not going to win. Period. His stance on Illegal immigration tells me everything I need to know about him.

Does Rudy Have the platform? I know in the South Carolina debates he wants nation building as a "viable option for our military" I don’t. He will not even win his state.

Does “life long hunter” Mitt have the Platform? Pumping more and more of his own money in his campaign, tells me how inspired his supporters are. Will he win his state?

Does "prescription drug part D voter" Thompson have the Platform?

Can any of them bring voters in from both sides of the idle? No

Only Paul can and is.......
Why? does bring us together. (And in doing so you will have less Govt)
People are not asking for more moderates. (yet look at the current GOP line-up)

Conservatives, liberty is the antidote to the socialism-lite ways that moderates are using to kill this party.
Inspiring voters will bring people to the ballot box. Fear of the other side, will not. If all the GOP has is "vote for us because you should fear the other side", principled people will stay home and the party will get its clock cleaned. Liberty will get peolpe out to vote...not because we need more moderates.

About principle:
It’s amazing to see some here treat Ron Paul. Please list a better State's Right guy. Please list a better limited Govt guy. Please list a better Pro-gun guy. Please list a better guy on spending. Please list a more constitutionally principled guy. Ron has a clear foreign policy that does not caudle the world, or nation build. (Armed neutrality and non-intervention.....which is NOT isolation)
Please list a better man on the concept of National Sovereignty and Border control.

In truth, Bush (a moderate) may have cause so much damage to the GOP base and its platform that even Ron Paul may not be able to stop the natural selection-type A$$-kicking the GOP almost needs to get in 2008 to clear-out all the RINO's.
The fall of this party will not be by any of the whacked-out socialist in the Democratic Party. The fall will be from within. Ignoring the platform is dividing this party. Voters will stay home.

To principled people, conservatives included, Ron is a breath of fresh air. Is he the answer to all our problems? No. (In part, you are.)
Given all the talk about pro-gun, limited Govt activism on this website…….
How many times have we all lamented about a general public that does not seem to care about guns and liberty and the Constitution……..
It’s nice to see a real grassroots grassfire that is growing every day. Do the other GOP guys have this?
This everyday Joe is just not seeing it.

The dems do have that energy.
Do we?
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Praise Ron! Praise Ron! Praise!

Arent you guys getting tired of the preaching.?:D

Nobody outside the cult is listening:)

WildonltroncansaveussaveusronAlaska TM
Nobody is listening. That's why they keep commenting. :D

You know, for such an irrelavant candidate I sure do read a lot of comments about him. The only people who seem to bring him up more often than the supporters seem to be the detractors.

Yeah, Dr. Paul is the anti-moderate, but only because the current definition of "moderate" is so heavily authoritarian.
I do agree with the first thought, though, that there are too many rinos and not enough principal. We have an immoderate amount of moderation. Not a single instance of anyone being thrown out of the party for straying from conservatism. Guiliani, McCain, and Romney should have been disavowed by the party long ago and left to rot.
You have it backwards, the moderates need to retake the republican party the way the moderates retook the democratic party under Bill Clinton. Most americans are moderate, the fascists and theocrats should have their own party the way the communists and greens do, leave the middle for those who believe our country is pretty damn nice as it is and needs a few tweaks here and there but no major radical overhaul.
Can any of them bring voters in from both sides of the idle? No

Only Paul can and is.......
Why? does bring us together. (And in doing so you will have less Govt)
People are not asking for more moderates. (yet look at the current GOP line-up)

From the news reports I've seen it appears that Dr. Paul is bringing in the anti-war Libertarians, that's about it for the right side of the isle.

Mainstream conservatives reject his extremism on taxes, reject his idea of prosecuting the war on terror via "Letter of Marque" (it's Presidential talk like a pirate day, arrrugggh!), and are put off by his pork barrel earmark spending.
You have it backwards, the moderates need to retake the republican party the way the moderates retook the democratic party under Bill Clinton. Most americans are moderate, the fascists and theocrats should have their own party the way the communists and greens do, leave the middle for those who believe our country is pretty damn nice as it is and needs a few tweaks here and there but no major radical overhaul.

Gonna be time for another I love this great country thread soon :)

WildwhatawonderfulplaceAlaska TM
Isn't it a bit ironic that this guy equates Arnold with a big spender...when in reality, Arnold has cut California spending many times over? Arnold has done quite a bit of good for Cali, and isn't like our president who seems to think Greenbacks breed like bacteria on a corpse, sending more and more overseas...we will never be able to pay off our debt under Mr. Bush.
Anti-moderate? I dunno what that is, or what Paul is. Paul is Paul. He's very...interesting.

Can any of them bring voters in from both sides of the idle? No

Only Paul can

Well, we'll just skip the primaries and go directly to the general election, then. :D Nah, no need to win over the conservative republican base, right?

Paul is a republican who is running as a republican, remember? So he has to win the republican nomination to run for president. For some reason, the Pauloids always want to just skip that pesky step of winning the republican primaries. :D

And no, Paul won't obtain the votes of most democrats -- even if he were to win the republican primaries. Democrats are funny that way -- they like to vote for democrats, not for republicans.
Deja vu

I remember seeing a book for sale in 1972 that was entitled, "Why McGovern Will Win." It was actually pretty good (I was a young, dumb leftist then); lots of reasoned analysis on why McGovern's ideas should appeal to the average voter, how his opposition to the war would bring in votes from disaffected Republicans, how the country was ready for a change, and so on. The book brightened my outlook considerably, and I prepared for a victory party.

Then, of course, McGovern lost in the biggest landslide before Reagan and carried only Massachusetts. He couldn't even carry his home state.

Deja vu...

All the analysis and academic theory in the world won't overcome the polls--and the perception that Ron Paul is more concerned (if not obsessed) with his rather eccentric theories and principles than with either real-world solutions to real-world problems or with a concrete legislative plan that could actually find some support in Congress and accomplish anything.

I have explained elsewhere why I think many of his ideas, while theoretically principled, are both unworkable and actually harmful to the Republic; but suffice it to say here that Ron Paul's chances of being elected President are zero to none, and for three principal reasons:

(1) Most people think he is a little bit of a nut.

(2) That perception didn't come out of thin air, and every time he speaks he reinforces it.

(3) He has proposed precisely NO actual legislative measures that have a hope in Hell of ever being passed by ANY Congress.

That last isn't too surprising, since in his vaunted 20 years in the House he has never gotten a single bill passed, nor has he been effective enough to have achieved any leadership post at all.

Paul would be great, if a bit outdated and idiosyncratic, as a professor of Constitutional law. He is a proven mediocrity as a Congressman. As President, he would be ineffective at best and an unmitigated disaster at worst.

I, for one, would vote for any Republican (and even a Democrat or two, most of whom are dead) over Ron Paul.
I, for one, would vote for any Republican (and even a Democrat or two, most of whom are dead) over Ron Paul.

If a dead democrat runs for election in chicago and is elected due to the votes of dead voters, is that good under Illinois law:D

WildcarryonAlaska ™
The notion that Paul is going to pull in votes from both side of the aisle is really really dumb. Given that 1) Paul has almost zero support from the republican base, 2) most states allow only registered republicans to vote in primary elections and 3) most primary republican voters are in that very base that isn't running towards Paul, and you have all sorts of reasons why he won't even get out of the gate.

Fuzzy math is fun isn't it.