Ron Paul is right !!!!

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The assasination of Benazir Bhutto is more proof that we need to stop supporting these screwed up countrys with our tax dollars and our troops . No matter how much we try to control and stick our noses into other countrys buisness , nothing ever gets better and mostly gets worse . Meanwhile back here , the miidle class continues to get screwed , the borders are still wide open , we are deep in debt , just about everything we buy is made in other countrys , etc. etc. etc. .
It's too bad , IMO , R.P. has no chance of getting the Republican nomination . I think my 2nd choice , Huckaby , has good chance of being elected . But , no matter who becomes the next potus , I think that nothing will change and probably get worse .
As predicted when the Bush'ists decided to invade that area of the world, it's spinning out of control. The worst is yet to come.
Alright Paulites... I support Paul far more than most but the latest incident in Pakistan has nothing to do with him or his opinions.

Musharraf may be a nasty hombre BUT he has done more to crack down on the crazy Islamists than Bhutto and her husband ever did. In addition he has a better lock on the nukes than anybody else vying for power. Now we may like to rant about how the Taliban is running around the hills of Pakistan, and they are, but the bottom line is what happened to Bhutto is a daily concern for Musharraf who is trying to balance the parts of the nation which are not insane alongside the large segment only too happy to see him meet Bhutto's end.

Paul has many good ideas. Sadly the way he has been attacked (unjustly) has caused many of his supporters to adopt a militant bunker mentality to the point that it has become hard to tell a Paul supporter from a mountaintop militia nut job.
Musharraf is keeping the Taliban in check. Why do we (Washington) want to oust him? I can't figure a good reason.
Paul has many good ideas. Sadly the way he has been attacked (unjustly) has caused many of his supporters to adopt a militant bunker mentality to the point that it has become hard to tell a Paul supporter from a mountaintop militia nut job.

Exactly and that is what the opposition is working on daily they fear him because of the money is has taken in. Same tactics were used on Ross Perot and will be used anyone not speaking party lines or rather political correct speak.
Musharraf is keeping the Taliban in check. Why do we (Washington) want to oust him? I can't figure a good reason.

Isnt it contradictory to support a military dictator in Pakistan while we are fighting a war in Iraq to creat a democracy?
Musharraf is keeping the Taliban in check. Why do we (Washington) want to oust him? I can't figure a good reason.

Isnt it contradictory to support a military dictator in Pakistan while we are fighting a war in Iraq to creat a democracy?

I'm not sure we are fighting to create a democracy. That is hype for the masses; a soundbyte for CNN. You cannot create a democracy in a place that has no idea what that is or any history of individual self determination.

Even the USA does not have a democracy. That is an illiterate concept foisted by politicians. We elect representatives to voice our concerns to the government. They are called congressmen.
Weren't some factions out to kill her long before RP threw his hat into the ring?

Frankly, I have always believed that if her enemies took enough shots at her, sooner or later one attempt was going to be successful.

Just because RP feels the same way does not prove he's an astute candidate.
Over $10,500,000,000 in aid has gone to Pakistan since 2001.

Paul IS right to quote Jefferson who said , "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations – entangling alliances with none."

And yet we're told that we're allies with them in the war against terrorism and according to "the Decider" they're key to our success .... they can't even fix their own humongous mess of a country intelligence has suggested they aided the terrorists of 9/11 , yet as I said ... since then, just like so many other countries we BORROW money and send to them for aid ... we get bit in the ass later.

I don't know about any of you but ... I want my money back. :mad:
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It's just another Al-Qaeda attack. Not about us anymore than the 9-11 attack was about Pakistan. A women in power does not fit their idiotology.There was at least three factions that wanted her dead that she identified herself. Musharraf was not one of them.

Of course, it has to be Bush's fault.
With all the free food the people get in Pakistan through subsidies, the farmers have switched to opium production. Now the US has to combat that. I think the US should stop putting its big nose into everything. Let stupid countries crash and burn on their own. They don't need our bombs to do that. I'm just tired of it all.
we need to stop supporting these screwed up countrys with our tax dollars and our troops .

AGREED! These country's have been this way looooooong before the birth of the United States and always will be. Religious, civil, sectarian war has been going on for thousands of years in these regions, and shows no signs of stopping. Try as we may, we will never put an end to it.
Whatever one thinks of Paul, his statements that we are responsible for the assassination of Bhutto are the height of stupidity.

If our sending funds to Pakistan was what angered the group responsible for the killing, then it wouldn't have happened in the first place. Bhutto is on record disapproving of our "intervention" with pakistan. As a result, she must have died for another reason. Of course this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who isn't blinded as there is a list a mile long of people that have wanted her dead for decades.

As for our actions in Pakistan, Musharraf came to power all on his lonesome. He remained in power on his lonesome as well. Only then did we start relations with him.

Its real easy to make this a black and white issue, especially when Bhutto was a media darling and Musharraf is a fat target for the press. Bhutto was always in the news, headscarf and all, looking sympathetic and talking about the "people". Musharraf, by contrast, is always shown in short clips, looking stiff in his military uniform with his poor dye job.

Of course these folks always neglect to mention Bhuttos corruption, or her ties to the taliban. They also seem to forget Musharraf's help with intelligence, logistics and who knows what else. Of course there is also the most important fact that Musharraf has been able to keep the crazies in that country at bay and keep all the nucs accounted for.

Its in our best interests to have Musharraf in power there. He's had things under control there for nearly a decade now, and assuming he weathers this incident, there isn't anything to suggest that he will not continue to do the same.

Of course its more fun to scream "its americas fault", and gets you out of all that critical thinking.
stage2 said:
Whatever one thinks of Paul, his statements that we are responsible for the assassination of Bhutto are the height of stupidity.

where did you hear him say that? or are you being fast and loose with the facts again? i watched a cnn video of him commenting on pakistan following the bhutto thing, but i never heard him say we are responsible.
I do believe the United States interferes in other countries when/where they (we) should not. It is our elected officals and they usually back the wrong people or cause and have no idea what is really going on. We voted them in so it comes down to being our fault.
Politicians need to be put on a leash and corrected when they screw up. They need to be held accountable for all their actions while acting in an offical capacity.
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