Romney says he'll veto any gun control


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Romney says he'll veto any gun control bill that crosses his desk as president. He also says that he recognizes the Second Amendment as an individual right. More...worth a listen.

If he makes it past Tuesday, he can beat Hilla-Bama. He has reached out to gunowners and committed to an unmistakably pro-2A platform as president.

We are now well beyond the 'lesser of two evils' and unless I find out that he eats babies tomorrow- Romney will get my vote on Tuesday.
I voted for him in the Fl primary. He's saying all the right things, I just don't know how far I can trust him. I think its better to have a candidate who says he'll do the right thing and possibly may break his promise than one that promises to do the wrong thing and keeps their promise to do it.
Well... at the Fox debate, Romney said he'd sign any bill that came across his desk and he supports the current bans in place in Mass where he signed the bills as governor! I don't believe a word he says. They don't call him Flip Romney for nothing.
He also wants to regulate the internet and ban online gambling and pornography.It shouldn't be a decision a president makes.

Check out this article on Romney's gun banning: He only joined NRA after deciding he'd run for president!
If you'd like to see videos of him talking about gun bans, I can track them down for you.
All I will tell you is look at the record, not at what they say.

Romney SIGNED a permanent Assault Weapons Ban into law in Massachussetts. His mouthpieces can spin it any way they want, but the fact is he signed an AWB into law.

McCain voted AGAINST the Assault Weapons Ban and its renewal.

Now, I am not saying McCain is a perfect candidate. His support of Campaign Finance Reform and Illegal Alien Amnesty were disgusting. But on the gun issue he has a proven record, while Romney is just saying what people want to hear.

I don't think Romney considers an Assault Weapons Ban to be gun control. I think he thinks it is just a common sense safety measure that most people support.
Just reporting the new info, folks. Romney is after all a politician and he may be the biggest liar on seven continents.

His voice inflections during the interview sound right for someone who has taken a deep look at an issue, and seen the need for change. It is enough for me- for now. We'll see where he goes between now and November.
Romney is after all a politician and he may be the biggest liar on seven continents.

My dear mom, bless her soul - used to have a simple test. "Would you buy a used car from that candidate?"
Now, I am not saying McCain is a perfect candidate. His support of Campaign Finance Reform and Illegal Alien Amnesty were disgusting. But on the gun issue he has a proven record, while Romney is just saying what people want to hear.

McCain's most recent actions have not been supportive of the 2nd Amendment- shilling for Americans for Gun Safety (group of former gun control lobbyists repackaging their same tired ideas as "safety") and his draconian "gun show loophole" bill.

The only candidates with good records on gun issues are Paul and Huckabee, both of which have other problems.
McCain's attempt at closing the gun show loop hole is a far cry from Governor Romney signing a permanent assault weapons ban into effect.

And you believe Rommney now because?

To know where a politician stands you have to look at their record.
Never believe the words coming out of their mouth unless it matches their record.
Politicians will lie to get a job.:eek:
It's worth noting that Romney's campaign had the infamous "We support the
2nd amendment for hunters and sportsmen but..." line on their website earlier this year. This was before Alex Robinson, CEO of Robinson Arms very prominently supported Romney and pretty much lost all his business with the black rifle crowd. Naturally Romney's campaign finally noticed that the black rifle crowd is a very powerful grassroots segment of the vote.

Romney's campaign has subsequently changed their tune on the issue because they think they need the black rifle crowd votes to win the election. Their website has a nearly complete reversal from his previous stance on the issue.

So I leave you with this: Romney says that now because that's the way he thinks the wind is blowing. When the data that he so famously wallows in indicates otherwise, he'll go right back to his previous position on the issue.
His voice inflections during the interview sound right for someone who has taken a deep look at an issue, and seen the need for change. It is enough for me- for now. We'll see where he goes between now and November.

He took a deep look at the issue, saw how his candidacy needed to change to get him elected and said exactly what you want to hear.

In other words: "Which way is the wind blowing today"
edit: In homage to the Edwards bashing and his recent departure from the race, maybe there should be a joke about how you can't tell which way the wind is blowing from Mitt's hair ;)

His former business speaks volumes about his abilities as a salesman.. it was entirely about how to make people part with their money. But then I have never trusted a salesman. Especially when their favorite book is "Battlefield Earth"
apologies to ConfuseUs.. missed your post while I was typing. Your "wind blowing" sentiment was much better than mine, too.
I cannot take seriously any new promises from a candidate in his position. It's a form of duress because he has a great deal invested in his campaign. This man who called himself a "hunter" has apparently barely touched a firearm.
And if you pull the other leg it plays jingle bells. :rolleyes:

This is a clear case of "Ignore my past actions and judge me on what I say and not what I have done."
McCain's attempt at closing the gun show loop hole is a far cry from Governor Romney signing a permanent assault weapons ban into effect.

True. Shutting down gun shows would affect all guns, not just certain cosmetic features.
True. Shutting down gun shows would affect all guns, not just certain cosmetic features.

Less than 10% of gun sales in the US are attributed to gun shows.

Closing the "gun show loophole" would only affect those few sales, unlike the AWB, which would affect all sales in stores also.