Romanian Draco question


New member
Quick question about the original full size romanian draco, what is the purpose of the large round hole in the gas block, visible from the side? I can't remember having seen it on other aks. Thanks!
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Not sure what you mean there silvermane
Well what i mean by "positive ejection" is where the brass is ejecting at a decent distance rather than 1 or 2 feet away, because sometimes with poor ejection the brass will get stuck in the ejecting port, that's why you see gas boosters on short barreled AKs/AK pistols.
And what has that got to do with the hole in the gas block?
Well have you ever shot a 188 series(or older production) Ruger Mini-14/Ranch Rifle there jimbocarrey?, if you have the brass is ejected yards away, that's because of the large/oversize gas port in the barrel, same reason your Draco has an oversized gas port so your pistol has positive ejection, i can not explain it any more concisely without getting very technical about long stroke piston gas operated rifles.

Added: Ok I will explain how a long stroke piston gas operated pistol/rifle operates, when the cartridge is fired the gas from the charge accelerates the projectile down the barrel, as the gas travels down the length of the barrel some of the gas exits in the gas port(the "hole" in top of your barrel) into the gas block, the gas has enough PSI to push the long piston which is connected to the BCG(bolt carrier group), the bolt rotates and ejects the spent cartridge, the larger the gas port the higher the force/PSI that the gas has to push the piston to eject the spent cartridge hence the term "positive ejection".
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To be clear I'm talking about this hole here in this picture
Ok now i know what your talking about now jimbocarrey, you should have originally posted "why is the slot in my front site gas block combo so large" there jimbocarrey. The answer is they're all that size IIRC, it's the same size as the front site gas block on my SLR-106C.
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