Romanian Bolt Action 22 cal


I just bought a Romanian 22 cal training rifle this weekend. I think its gonna be a good shooter but I'm having problems getting it to chamber a round. It seems to be very random, sometimes it will chamber one sometimes it won't. The bullet itself will make it up the ramp and into the barrel but will hang up with shell half inside. Doesn't matter what position in the clip. Clip seems to be in new condition.

I believe there are alot of these out there and was wondering if anyone has had the same problem? If so... what is the fix.

Do they prefer a certain ammo?

Would appreciate some help.

[This message has been edited by admiral (edited March 20, 2000).]
I don't own one (yet). I take it from what I have seen on the At The Range Forum that they are very sensitive to the condition of the clip.
This is the big problem with removable magazines. They are great if they work, but they don't work half the time.
I've got one that works just fine. When I got the rifle I had to clean a heck of a lot of cosmoline off and out of it, took the mag apart and got at least a teaspoon out of it. If yours wasn't cleaned completely out, the follower may be sticking just a little bit occasionally.
Admiral. I have had the same problem with my clip fed 5 shot Romanian .22 rifle. The fix I used is as follows. After retracting the bolt and ejecting the spent cartridge, grasp a fresh cartiridge from the box you brought with you. By hand, place said cartridge into the chamber. Close the bolt. Fire. Repeat process. Sorry, I think this rifle IS clip condition sensitive. For a $50 gun, I haven't found the time to twink with it to get it to feed. Best of luck to you.
I have a couple of these and have looked at a lot of them. I have seen several where the trigger guard interfered with the clip. Many of them have had the trigger guard filed out so that it does not hit the clip. This could allow the clip to be over inserted or under inserted or a slightly incorrect feed angle.

Have you taken the bolt apart and cleaned the inside? It took me a while to figure it out the first time and it takes 3 hands.

These are very nice and well built for $50 plinkers.
Finally got it to feed reliably.

I noticed that the rim of the cartridges had scratches on them and took a closer look at my clip. It was pretty rough on the 2nd ramp that pushes the rim upward.

Simply took a round file and smoothed them off.. Works great now!!! Very happy!!!

I even stripped the finish and stained/polycoated the stock. Not sure if polyurethane is the best finish, but its durable and looks great.
