Romanian .22s

Arizona Eric

New member
I see Romanian 1969 bolt .22s advertised for a half-bill in SGN. Anyone have any experience with one of these bad or good?

Eric,i work at Big-5 part time and we've been getting these lately,pretty smart little gun,i might get one myself.$65-

"i do believe that where there is a choice between cowardice and violence,I would advise violence" Ghandi
I bought 10 of them and they are very very accurate. You will need to clean the cosmoline out of them and the mags before they will feed right though. I used kerosene on mine. Very easy to diassemble and reassemble. They even come with a punch that will take the entire thing apart, right down to the trigger. I love mine. I kept 2 and the rest went to relatives and friends. Wish I had kept more of them now.
Now that's a man I respect . . . TEN rifles.

I bought two myself, one for me and one for Significant Other. They have weak ejection, but are solid, full-sized adult rifles. Just every once in awhile, the old case doesn't leap out of the ejection port no matter how vigorous the hand on the bolt handle. I had to return one of them, and you wouldn't believe what a headache that was at J & G in Prescott. Those boys are over-sticklers on the paperwork.

Anyway, as noted, they appear to be very accurate. The extra mags didn't work with one of them, a little application of a file to the mag catch and mag well fixed that. The extra mags are stamped "Taiwan" and have a smaller protrusion for the mag catch than the Romanian mags, and they are too expensive at 15 bucks. 15 bucks for a mag on a $50 rifle?

But overall, with a cleaning and some TLC these rifles are well worth the entry price.
Yeah, I had to do some file work on several of my mags. I bought 3 extra. I also had to do a bit of filing on the extractor on the bolts. BTW, Burns Brothers has spare mags for $12 each and they are the same type that come with the rifle(s), not the Taiwanian type you were talking about. Tweleve bucks is awfully expensive for a rifle I paid $40 for but, after pricing spare mags for other rifles it seems to be a little cheaper than average. Still seems steep though.
Yeah, mine was gunked up too. I took the action out of the stock to clean it and got off as much of it as I could, but there are some parts (like inside the trigger group and inside the bolt) I didn't dare mess with by disassembly. I find shooting the rifle causes all kinds of sub-assemblies to "bleed" cosmoline, which I will keep wiping off as long as it keeps coming out.

Messy, but not as messy as some other import rifles and mags I have seen.

Mesa, thanks for the Burns Bros. magazine suggesion.
Hey, dig in and take the trigger assembly apart. There is nothing to them at all. They will only go back together one way anyway. If you have any trouble e-mail me and I will do some exploded view mechanical drawings. The bolt is going to have a ton of cosmo in it too. It diassasembles and reassembles easily. Nothing to screw up in there at all. Rember to turn (twist) your punch as you are tapping the pins out of there too. You don't want to mushroom the pin(s). On the trigger disassembly; the only thing that could possibly be confusing is the spring. Make sure to pay particular attention to how it comes out. Even then, it will only go back in two ways so you have a 50/50 chance of getting it right. Also, take a small brass hammer and tap the bottom of the magazine off. It just slides off. I cleaned one of my guns, only to have one of my spare mags collect cosmoline on my rounds and get the junk all over my bolt and breech. If you get ALL the cosmoline out, the guns will eject MUCH better too.

The cosmoline bleeding out got old really fast. I had to clean mine, it was driving me nuts.

I love these guns :D